Figure 6.
LC-HRMS of P450BM-3 reaction products following derivatization to form esters. A. Tetradecyl sulfate incubated with NADPH but without P450BM-3 for ~ 2 minutes. B. Tetradecyl sulfate incubated with NADPH and P450BM-3. Both reactions were followed by oxidation of alcohol products using Jones reagent47 and then Baeyer-Villiger ketone oxidation48 to form esters (Scheme 2). Extracted ion chromatograms for m/z 323.1534 are shown in Parts A and B, corresponding to a substrate ester derivative. C. HRMS (ESI−) mass fragmentation spectrum of the ester formed from incubation of tetradecyl sulfate with P450BM-3 and NADPH followed by the chemical oxidation steps.