Table 3.
The quality of evidence of the randomized controlled trial and cohort studies included for meta-analysis
Outcome | Quality assessment |
Number of patients |
Relative effect (95% CI) | Quality | |||||||
Number of studies | Study design | Risk of bias | Inconsistency | Indirectness | Imprecision | Other considerations | Thiamine (%) | Non-thiamine (%) | |||
Mortality | 3 | RCT | Not seriousa | Not seriousb | Not seriousc | Seriousd | Nonee | 45/106 (42.5) | 52/117 (44.4) | RR 0.96 (0.72-1.28) | ⊕⊕⊕◯Moderate |
2 | Cohort | Seriousf | Seriousg | Serioush | Seriousd | Nonee | 78/157 (49.7) | 153/265 (57.7) | RR 0.74 (0.47-1.19) | ⊕◯◯◯Very low |
aTrials were low risk of bias, bInconsistency explained by I2 value as 0%; low heterogeneity; not serious, cThe intervention, population, and outcome measured were similar in included studies, dThe confidence interval includes possible benefit from intervention and comparator approaches, eNone: Publication bias is not likely; no large effect and dose response gradient; no plausible confounding, fThe include trials were moderate risk of bias, gInconsistency explained by I2 value as 74%; moderate heterogeneity; serious, hThe interventions were delivered in different dose and the dosage form of thiamine varied among these studies. RCT: Randomized control trial, CI: Confidence interval, RR: Risk ratio