Overexpression of PSKR1 in the tpst-1 background promotes root growth. (A, C) Representative seedlings of the wild type (wt), tpst-1, p35S:PSKR1-GFP tpst-1, and p35S:PSKR2-GFP tpst-1 grown for 5 d without (A, C) and with 1 µM PSK (A). (B, D) Root lengths (mm) of (B) the wt, tpst-1, and two independent lines of p35S:PSKR1-GFP tpst-1, and (D) the wt, tpst-1, and p35S:PSKR1-GFP tpst-1 supplemented without (B, D) or with 1 µM PSK (B). Numbers indicate independent transgenic lines. (B) Experiments were performed at least three times with similar results. Data are shown for one representative experiment as the mean ±SE. (D) The experiment was performed once. Data are shown as the mean ±SE. (B) n≥31, (D) n≥122. In (B), *** indicates significant differences from the wt control at P<0.001 (two-tailed t-test). ### indicates a significant difference in comparison with the untreated control at P<0.001 (two-tailed t-test). In (D), different letters indicate significant differences (Kruskal–Wallis, P<0.05). In (A) and (C), scale bars represent 1 cm.