A) Representative anti-β subunit immunoblot (upper panel) and Coomassie-stained gel (lower panel) of a pulldown from
B. subtilis extracts using biotinylated PcrA as bait. The gel shows that both free PcrA (full length) and free CTD can compete with the bait (tagged PcrA) to bind to RNAP. Where indicated, 1.5 µM untagged PcrA or CTD were added to the cell lysate. Quantification of these data is shown in
Figure 6F. (
B) and (
C) Representative dot blots of
B. subtilis CTD overexpression strains (as indicated) using the S9.6 antibody. Methylene blue was used as loading control. Quantification of these data is shown in
Figure 6G. (
D) and (
E) Representative RNA/DNA hybrid dot blot of genomic DNA from the indicated
E. coli strains and quantification. Error bars show the SEM of four independent experiments. In all panels, the statistical significance was determined using two-tailed Student’s t test (*p value < 0.05).