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. 2021 Jul 29;71:102642. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2021.102642

Table 2.

Age-adjusted rates (AAR) of cases, hospitalisations and deaths from SARS-CoV-2 infection in Italian municipalities by level of deprivation (Q1 least deprived, Q5 most deprived). Stratified by sex and epidemic period.

Pre-lockdown Lockdown Post-lockdown
ID Sex Number AAR Number AAR Number AAR
Q1 Females 844 19.9 6023 51.8 2896 14.8
Q2 1412 16.7 10,949 47.1 7357 18.2
Q3 2198 18.6 15,459 48.5 9840 17.6
Q4 2136 15.4 18,257 48.2 11,025 16.6
Q5 918 5.3 8364 17.9 14,475 16.0
Q1 Males 1258 31.6 4674 44.3 3277 16.9
Q2 2441 31.2 8858 42.7 8090 20.4
Q3 3958 37.6 12,761 45.6 10,773 19.9
Q4 3831 31.0 14,291 43.3 11,795 18.3
Q5 1539 9.9 7379 17.4 15,797 17.8
Case-hospitalisation (within 40 days of diagnosis)
ID Sex Number AAR Number AAR Number AAR
Q1 Females 409 17.3 1314 4.9 284 2.8
Q2 844 28.4 2772 6.2 643 2.5
Q3 1363 29.6 4340 7.1 921 2.6
Q4 1381 34.5 4389 6.2 1094 2.8
Q5 512 24.9 2197 6.5 1151 2.5
Q1 Males 854 39.3 1740 10.5 359 3.9
Q2 1843 57.9 3975 15.0 802 3.6
Q3 2975 57.5 6037 16.6 1129 3.8
Q4 2898 59.2 6101 14.4 1366 4.1
Q5 1009 38.8 2886 13.0 1583 3.8
Case-fatality (within 40 days of diagnosis)
ID Sex Number AAR Number AAR Number AAR
Q1 Females 163 2.3 766 1.2 37 0.3
Q2 292 2.7 1266 1.1 94 0.3
Q3 515 3.0 1854 1.2 213 0.5
Q4 487 3.1 2280 1.2 194 0.4
Q5 156 2.4 807 1.1 161 0.3
Q1 Males 342 3.9 813 2.2 59 0.6
Q2 749 4.9 1553 2.4 112 0.5
Q3 1252 4.9 2342 2.5 179 0.6
Q4 1228 5.0 2598 2.5 199 0.6
Q5 396 4.2 1101 2.4 266 0.6
ID = Index of deprivation; AAR = Age Adjusted Rate per 1,000,000 person-days for incidence and per 1000 person-days for case-hospitalisations and case-fatality

Cases were allocated to the pre-lockdown period if they had a date of sampling/diagnosis between the 20th of February and the 16th of March, to the lockdown period if their date of sampling/diagnosis was between the 17th of March and the 24th of May and to the post-lockdown period if that date was between the 25th of May and the 15th of October. Cases were classified as hospitalized or dead if they had a date of recovery/death within 40 days of sampling/diagnosis.