Figure 2.
Loading weights for the first QST principal component. PPT1, PPT at trapezius muscle. PPT2, PPT at thumb joint. Cuff, cuff pressure at gastrocnemius, P1, 1st of 10 punctate stimuli delivered once per second rated on 0–100 pain scale. P5, 5th of 10 punctate stimuli. P10, last of 10 punctate stimuli. CPT1, cold pressor test at 15 seconds following hand immersion into cold water bath (pain 0–100). CPT2, 30-second after sensation following 15 seconds of hand immersion in cold water bath (pain 0–100). The first component can be interpreted as an index of pain sensitivity.
Abbreviations: TS, temporal summation; CPM, conditioned pain modulation; QST, Quantitative Sensory Testing; PPT, pressure pain threshold.