The LATS1 and Nf2/merlinC-terminus binding sites overlap on the Nf2/merlin FERM domain. A. Structure-based alignment of the Nf2/merlin tail and LATS. B. Superposition of our LATS1-bound Nf2/merlin structure (FERM domain: F1, orange; F2, yellow; F3, green; the first α-helix of the central helical domain αH, blue) with LATS1 shown as a black ribbon onto the Nf2/merlin FERM (gray) domain in complex with its mutant A585W tail (pink) domain (PDB entry 4zrj) [40]. LATS1 termini (K70, E91), Nf2/merlin tail domain termini (T512, E564, S572, and L595) and Nf2/merlin FERM subdomains are labeled. C. Superposition of our LATS1-bound Nf2/merlin structure onto the Nf2/merlin FERM domain in complex with its mutant A585W tail. The view is 90° rotated along the long vertical center of panel A. In panel A, the two FERM domains are superimposed. In this panel, LATS1 is superimposed onto the Nf2/merlin mutant S518D, A585W tail domain with the double arrow showing the relative Nf2/merlin FERM domain movements when comparing the LATS1-bound state with the Nf2/merlin tail-bound state. D. Superposition of our LATS1-bound Nf2/merlin structure onto the unbound Nf2/merlin FERM domain (PDB entry 1isn) [61] shown in gray with root means squares deviations of 0.923 Å for 1980 atoms. The double arrow shows the relative movements of the first α-helix of the central helical domain (αH) when comparing the LATS1-bound state with the unbound Nf2/merlin structure. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)