Quantitative EMSA analysis of the binding of purified Alx1-FL and Alx1-ΔD2 proteins to the Sp-EMI/TM palindromic site.A, protein titration of Alx1-FL with a constant amount of Cy5-labeled probe containing the Sp-EMI/TM palindromic site. B, protein titration of Alx1-ΔD2 with a constant amount of Cy5-labeled probe containing the Sp-EMI/TM palindromic site. C, quantification of representative gels as shown in panels A and B. Plot of the fraction of probe bound as a function of protein concentration. Data are based on two independent replicates of the binding assay and are represented as the mean ± 1 SD. The filled circles denote Alx1-FL, and the filled squares denote Alx1-ΔD2. D, dimer to monomer ratios based on quantification of the same two independent replicates shown in panel C with data represented as the mean ± 1 SD. Alx1-FL, full-length Alx1; Alx1-HD, Alx1 HD alone; Alx1ΔD2, a mutant form of Alx1 that lacks the D2 domain; D, dimer; F, free probe; M, monomer.