Between-trial adjustments in the Error
(A) Reinforcement-based adjustments in the Error during Day 1 training. Absolute between-trial adjustments in the Error (ErrorBTC = |Errorn+1-Errorn|) according to the reinforcement feedback (i.e., Success or Failure) encountered at trialn in the three GroupTYPES (gray: Group-S, light green: Group-SR, dark green: Group-SRR). Notably, these bins of trials were constituted based on the success threshold-normalized Error at trialn in order to compare adjustments in motor commands following trials of similar Error in the three groups. Stars denote significant group differences in ErrorBTC for a given outcome (left panel, see STAR Methods). Reinforcement-based adjustments (ErrorBTC after Failure in percentage of ErrorBTC after Success) were compared in the three GroupTYPES (right panel).
(B) Correlations between the magnitude of reinforcement-based adjustments in the Error and the average success rate on the next trial, showing the relevance of these adjustments in the present task. Each dot represents a subject.
(C, D) Same for Day 2 training. Note that reinforcement-based adjustments in motor commands remained amplified in GroupSRR, despite the absence of reward on Day 2.
(E) Sensory-based adjustments in the Error during Day 1 training. ErrorBTC following trialsn with Failures of different Error magnitudes (left panel). Sensory-based adjustments (ErrorBTC after Large Failure in percentage of ErrorBTC after Small Failure) were compared in the three GroupTYPES (right panel).
(F) Correlations between the magnitude of sensory-based adjustments in the Error and the probability of success on the next trial, showing the relevance of these adjustments for task success.
(G, H) Same for Day 2 training. ∗: p < 0.05. Data are represented as mean ± SE.