Figure 5.
Rotational knee stability data forest plot outcomes for single-bundle versus double-bundle reconstruction. Weights are from random-effects analysis. (A) Dichotomous data for the pivot shift test (9 studies in the baseline period, 842 patients; 4 studies in the 6–12-month period, 242 patients; 3 studies in the 19–24-month period, 296 patients; 1 study in the 25–36-month period, 84 patients and 5 studies in the > 36-month period, 493 patients). The heterogeneity was high: τ2 = 0.00; χ2 = 58.24, df = 21 (P = < 0.001); I2 = 64% (CI, confidence interval; M-H, Mantel–Haenszel). (B) Continuous data for the internal rotation range (3 studies in the baseline period, 204 patients; 1 study in the 6–12-month period, 80 patients; 2 studies in the 19–24-month period, 142 patients; and 1 study in the 25–36-month period, 62 patients). Heterogeneity was high: τ2 = 0.18; χ2 = 22.17, df = 6 (P < 0.001); I2 ¼ 73% (CI, confidence interval; IV, inverse variance). Data collected from RevMan 5.3 software.