Fig. 5.
Prediction and evaluation of the drugs acting on ENSG00000268650. (A) Seven measures were used to calculate the proximities between drug targets and lncRNA (ENSG00000268650)-correlated proteins. The proximities were scaled to conduct hierarchical clustering where nine drug clusters were identified. (B) Proximities derived from seven measures were dimensionally reduced to two main components by PCA. The identified nine clusters were plotted on PC1 and PC2. (C) The absAUCSCCs of each cluster were shown in a box plot. A fitted cubic polynomial line was added to observe the trend. (D) Wilcoxin rank sum test was used to compare the absAUCSCC of proximal drugs (clusters 1 and 3) and distal drugs (cluster 7–9). (E) The correlation between lncRNA expression and drug response (AUC) in different drug clusters were shown on a volcano plot by plotting -log(p-value) against AUCSCC. The percentage of significant drugs (p ≤ 0.05) in proximal and distal drug clusters was shown in (F). hc_cluster: clusters identified by hierarchical clustering; AUCSCC: The spearman correlation coefficient between lncRNA expression and AUC of drug IC50; absAUCSCC: the absolute value of spearman correlation coefficient between lncRNA expression and AUC of drug IC50.