Fig. 1.
Pattern of the tissue-wide expression of EpCAM in different human cancers, (A) comparison between cancer versus normal tissues in which high and low expression of mRNA has been indicated by red and blue colors, respectively, (B) the dot plot depicts the gene expression profile of the EpCAM gene in 33 different types of human cancers including tumors and normal tissue samples together. Herein, red and green dashed lines indicate the average expression value in all tumor and normal tissues, respectively, and (C) the box-plot showing the EpCAM mRNA expression in tumors and respective normal tissues using the Affymetrix HG-U133pLUS2 (Ci) and HG-U133A platforms (Cii) of the GENT2 database where the boxes indicate the median, the dots represent outliers, the red-boxes refer to the tumor tissues, whereas the blue-boxes represent the expression of normal tissues. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)