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. 2021 Jul 15;9:691774. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.691774


Presentation of the studied diseases relating to HIMF.

Author/study Subjects Pathological condition Effects
Teng et al. (2003) Rat pulmonary microvascular smooth muscle cell Pulmonary hypertension HIMF has angiogenic and vasoconstrictive properties by upregulating VEGF production and promotes the proliferation and migration of PSMCs.
Su et al. (2017) Murine myoblastic cell lines (C2C12 and G7); Human circulating EPCs; Male nude mice Pulmonary hypertension HIMF increased IL-18 production in myoblasts and promoted tube formation of the endothelial progenitor cells.
Angelini et al. (2013) Adult C57BL/6 male mice Pulmonary hypertension Pulmonary vascular remodeling in mice induced by chronic hypoxia or antigen challenge is associated with marked increases in HIMF expression.
Liu et al. (2009) Lung fibroblasts; FX knockout C57BL/6 mice Pulmonary hypertension Notch1 signaling in response to HIMF plays a significant role in myofibroblast differentiation during lung fibrosis.
Holcomb et al. (2000) Rat embryonic dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons; BALB/c female mice Allergic asthma HIMF inhibited the nerve growth factor (NGF)-mediated survival of rat embryonic dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and NGF-induced CGRP gene expression in adult rat DRG neurons. HIMF may modulate the function of neurons innervating the bronchial tree, and thus alter the local tissue response to allergic pulmonary inflammation.
Yamaji-Kegan et al. (2010) IL-4 and STAT6 knockout C57BL/6 male mice; Mouse pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells (PMVECs) Lung inflammation IL-4 signaling may play a significant role in HIMF-induced lung inflammation and vascular remodeling.
Stutz et al. (2003) BALB/c female mice; BMnot cell line Allergic asthma STAT6 directly regulates IL-4- and IL-13-triggered induction of HIMF expression at the transcriptional level by cooperation with C/EBP.
Fan et al. (2015) RELMa knockout BALB/c male Mice Allergic asthma The expression of HIMF increased typically in OVA-induced pulmonary inflammation and vascular remodeling.
Kumar et al. (2018) HIMF knockout C57BL/6 male mice; Neonatal ratventricular myocytes Cardiac hypertrophy HIMF has a critical role in the development of cardiac Hypertrophy via calcium-dependent and HIF-1α Mechanisms.
Kumar et al. (2019) HIMF knockout C57BL/6 male mice; Neonatal rat ventricular myocytes and Fibroblasts Cardiac hypertrophy IL-6 plays a central role in HIMF-induced cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis that is mediated by activating the MAPK and CaMKII-STAT3 pathways.
Al-Azzawi et al. (2007) C57BL/6J lean non-diabetic female mice Metabolic disorders HIMF increases insulin resistance and reduces gallbladder optimal tension.
Munitz et al. (2009) Retnla–/– male and female mice (backcrossed to C57BL/6 or BALB/c) DSS-induced colitis HIMF deficiency reduced the colitis-induced systemic inflammatory response to protect mouse from hyperglycemia induced by glucose injections.
Kumamoto et al. (2016) Mgl2-DTR (Mg/2 + ^GFP) C57BL/6 male mice Metabolic disorders Reconstituting HIMF in CD301b+ MNP-depleted animals restored body weight and normoglycemia.
Lee et al. (2014) Ldlr–/–, Ldlr–/– Retnla–/–, Ldlr–/– Retnla-Tg C57BL/6J male and female mice Hyperlipidemic and atherosclerosis HIMF exerts a favorable cholesterol-lowering effect and protects against atherosclerosis by enhancing cholesterol excretion in the form of bile acids in Ldlr/mice.