Items Retained in the Novelty and Intensity Sensation Seeking Scales
AISSa Item | Novelty | Intensity |
I can see how it would be interesting to marry someone from a foreign country. | .591 | .008 |
I would like to travel to places that are strange and far away. | .808 | −.112 |
I would have enjoyed being one of the first explorers of an unknown land. | .660 | .329 |
If it were possible to visit another planet or the moon for free, I would be among the first in line to sign up. | .608 | .412 |
I like a movie where there are a lot of explosions and car chases. | .296 | .517 |
It would be interesting to see a car accident happen. | −.034 | .731 |
I like the feeling of standing next to the edge of a high place and looking down. | .142 | .648 |
I can see how it must be exciting to be in a battle during a war. | .012 | .810 |
Note. These loadings were obtained using principal component analysis (with varimax rotation).
AISS = Arnett Inventory of Sensation Seeking.