Fig. 1.
Fusion inhibitory efficacy of EK1 peptides against SARS-CoV-2 on Caco2 and Calu-3 cells. a The fusogenic capacity of SARS-CoV-2 S protein on, lung cell line, Calu-3 (middle) and human intestinal cell line, Caco2 (bottom), 293T cell line (upper) was used as control. b, c Fusion inhibitory activity of EK1 and EK1C4 against the SARS-CoV-2 S-mediated fusion process on Calu-3 (b) and Caco2 (c) cells. d, e Inhibitory activity of EK1 and EK1C4 against pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 infection on Calu-3 (d) and Caco2 (e) cells. f, g Antiviral effect of EK1 (5 μM) and EK1C4 (0.3 μM) against authentic SARS-CoV-2 infection on Calu-3 (f) and Caco2 (g) cells. Viral supernatant was collected 48 h of post-infection and quantified by qRT-PCR. ***P < 0.001