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. 2021 Jul 29;15(1):43–54. doi: 10.1007/s40617-021-00587-3

Table 1.

Sample programming for ACTr-type goals

Goal Step Description
Present Moment Awareness
  Antecedent: Naturally occurring during the ABA session, capture opportuinities for  noticing of sights, sounds, smells, touch and internal thoughts or physical feelings.
  Sample Prompt: Give full vocal prompt when appropriate to prompt noticing (e.g., “I see you are touching the paper, what does that feel like”/ “what do you feel on your skin?”, “what do you see/hear?” “how do you feel on the inside”, etc.
  Behavior: Client will pause (defined as a pause in movement and vocal responding for 1 second or more) and vocally tact 5 or more things that he notices either inside himself (thought, feeling), senses (physical feelings on his skin, taste, smell, sounds, etc) or around him (what others are doing, etc.) Mark as 1 trial for pause, and 1 trial for each sense/thought/physical feeling independently tacted.

Correct: FR1 Descriptive praise for each sense tacted at the current prompt level (e.g., I love how you noticed that the paper feels dry and smooth!”)

Incorrect: (e.g.Client fails to respond; Client repeats therapists own self-evaluation; Client engages in maladaptive behavior or requires additional prompting beyond initial model). If incorrect, utilize full vocal prompt - e.g., “how does the paper feel in your hand? Is it soft, hard, smooth? What is your brain saying right now? I can see the playroom, what can you see?” etc. and mark as incorrect/prompted trial.

If client tacts less than 5 sensations/thoughts/feelings provide vocal prompt and mark as incorrect/prompted trial.

Defusion (Noticing Thoughts)
  Antecedent Naturally occurring during the session, capture opportunity and present Vocal Sd: "Let's notice some of our thoughts right now. Tell me something that your mind is telling you."
  Sample Prompt: Current prompt: Full vocal prompt for saying "my mind is telling me" and prompt to say why his mind might be telling him the thought. (Client should independently identify what the thought is).
  Behavior: Client uses verbiage (e.g., My mind is telling me, I noticed that I had the thought, I noticed, my mind said, etc.) to say that he noticed a thought, (1 trial) what that thought is (1 trial) and why his mind might tell him that thought (1 trial). Score 3 total opportunities per presentation.

Correct: FR1 Descriptive praise - e.g. “I love how you told me your mind was telling you this is a bad idea!”

Incorrect: (e.g. Client fails to respond; Client repeats therapists own self-evaluation; Client engages maladaptive behavior or requires additional prompting beyond initial model). If incorrect, model sample thoughts that the therapist is having, reiterate Sd and give full vocal prompting for all steps, have the client repeat. Mark as incorrect/prompted trial.

Defusion (Defusing Thoughts)

*Client has already identified "funny voice" for thoughts (e.g., Inside Out Movie character, Sadness) for recurring negative thoughts*

Present vocal Sd: “what does your mind sound like when it is telling you things that make you feel sad”?

  Behavior The client will use their selected “funny voice” to name their thoughts. (e.g., In Inside Out character voice: “I’ll never be good enough, COVID is never going away, I’ll never have any friends”)
  Sample Prompt Therapists will pick a funny/silly voice and model using it to name some of their own negative thoughts.

Correct: FR1 Descriptive praise - e.g. “I love how you did that, it sounded awesome!”

Incorrect: (e.g. Client fails to respond; Client asks for help; Client engages maladaptive behavior or requires additional prompting beyond initial model). If incorrect, model as outlined above, reiterate Sd and give full vocal prompting for all steps, have the client repeat. Mark as incorrect.

Flexible Perspective Taking (Self as Context)
  Antecedent Present vocal Sd: “what are some aspects of your ‘self’?" (once the client responds) “do you notice different ways you think/feel/behave with parents vs siblings vs school vs with friends vs right now”
  Behavior Client will independently identify 4 different aspects of ‘self’ e.g. I am a brother/son/friend/student (4 trials) and identify different ways in which the client behaves in each context (4 trials) (mark as correct if client responds independently, mark prompt for any vocal prompts required)
  Sample Prompt "I’ll try and then you can try: I am a friend and a therapist. I notice that when I am with my friends, I feel I can say anything, and I talk about life a lot. I notice when I am with my clients, I stay professional and try to remain caring and do a good job."

Correct: VR4 descriptive praise for appropriate independent responses.

Incorrect: (e.g. Client fails to respond; Client asks for help; Client engages maladaptive behavior or requires additional prompting beyond initial model). If any vocal prompt is required, mark as incorrect and mark level of additional prompt required, e.g., partial or full vocal prompt.

DNA-V (Discoverer)a
  Antecedent Review of what the "Discoverer" is + Vocal Sd " Can you tell me about a time that you discovered a behavior that worked and a behavior that didn't work?"
  Behavior The client will independently tact behaviors they have discovered work and don't work, in the absence of maladaptive behavior and additional prompts beyond therapists' model.
  Sample Prompt Review Discoverer (see thriving adolescent curriculum) with client + model e.g., "The other day I was in a meeting, and I cut someone off from speaking which made the person feel frustrated. The next time I had something to say, I raised my hand and I discovered that that behavior had a much better outcome than cutting someone off when they are speaking. Can you tell me about a time that you discovered something that worked and something that didn't work?"

Correct: Client is correct if they independently tact behaviors they have discovered work and don't work in the absence of maladaptive behavior and additional prompts beyond therapists' model.  Provide descriptive praise on an FR1 schedule for each correct response.

Incorrect: (e.g. Client fails to respond; Client repeats therapists own self-evaluation; Client engages maladaptive behavior or requires additional prompting beyond initial model.) Use L-M prompting to evoke the correct response and then have them restate the correct response. Mark as prompted/incorrect trial.

DNA-V (Noticer)
  Antecedent Review of what the "Noticer" is + Vocal instruction "What is something you can notice in this moment?"
  Behavior The client will independently tact things they notice in the moment, in the absence of maladaptive behavior and additional prompts beyond therapists' model.
  Sample Prompt Model correct responses. Be sure to discuss not only things in the room (sights, sounds, etc.) but also internal things (emotions, thoughts, etc.) Therapist may also add to visual stimuli, e.g. mess up hair, look bored, pretend to be sleeping, etc.

Correct: Client is correct if they independently tact things they have in the moment in the absence of maladaptive behavior and additional prompts beyond therapists' model. Provide descriptive praise on an FR1 schedule for each correct response.

Incorrect: (e.g. Client fails to respond; Client repeats therapists own self-evaluation; Client engages maladaptive behavior or requires additional prompting beyond initial model.) Use L-M prompting to evoke the correct response and then have the client restate the correct response. Mark as prompted/incorrect trial.

DNA-V (Advisor)
  Antecedent Review of what the "Advisor" is (can be positive and negative) + Vocal Sd "can you tell me about a time that your advisor has given you advice?"
  Behavior The client will independently tell you about a time that their advisor gave them advice in the absence of maladaptive behavior and additional prompts beyond therapists' model.
  Sample Prompt Review of advisor (good and bad) + Model e.g. "I had a project due to my boss yesterday, that I totally forgot about, and it was due in 3 hours. There was no way I was going to finish on time. My advisor told me "you are never going to get this done" and my advisor was right, so I needed to do something about it. I sent an email and let my boss know that I would be late turning in the project" + "can you tell me about a time that your advisor has given you advice?

Correct: Client is correct if they independently tell you about a time that their advisor gave them advice in the absence of maladaptive behavior and additional prompts beyond therapists' model. Provide descriptive praise on an FR1 schedule for each correct response.

Incorrect: (e.g. Client fails to respond; Client repeats therapists own self-evaluation; Client engages maladaptive behavior or requires additional prompting beyond initial model.) Use L-M prompting to evoke the correct response and then have the client restate the correct response. Mark as prompted/incorrect trial.

aThe concepts of Discoverer, Noticer and Advisor are taken from Hayes and Ciarrochi’s (2015) Thriving Adolescent Curriculum ( The following examples merely outline potential ways of programming for such concepts in a format congruent with ABA programming and are not meant to reflect curriculum recommendations or requirements.