Fig 7. Effects of reduced PRC1 and PRC2 on direct reprogramming and cell proliferation.
(A-B) Eye-antennal discs with eyGAL-induced expression of RFP and RNAi constructs directed against E(z) (A) or Pc (B) transcripts. Both discs are immunostained for the wing-specific Nub protein and for ELAV. The eye and antennal portions of discs are greatly reduced with E(z) knockdown, while Pc knockdown results in overgrowth of the eye portion and expression of Nub at the dorsal edge of the disc. (C-D) Heads of dissected dying pharate pupae with E(z) knockdown (C, C’) or E(z) knockdown and Vg production (D, D’). Loss of E(z) ablates all tissue derived from the eye-antennal disc including the head capsule and eyes, without affecting mouthparts. (E-F) Heads of dissected dying pharate pupae with Pc knockdown (E, E’) or Pc knockdown and Vg production (F, F’). Loss of Pc induces ectopic wing-like structures at the dorsal edges of eyes (arrowhead) and transforms antennae into legs (arrow). Vg production with Pc knockdown results greatly reduced eyes and expanded and flattened wing-like structures (bracket). (G) Volcano plot of differentially-expressed genes between wildtype (w1118) eye imaginal discs and eye discs with Pc knockdown. Antp and Ubx are the most significantly differentially-expressed.