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. 2020 Mar 4;6(3):9. doi: 10.3390/jimaging6030009

Table 2.

Summary of the reviewed architectures for recaptured image forensics (RF), CG image detection (CGI), GAN-generated images detection (GAN), and Source social networks identification (SSN). Lap denotes Laplacian filter, GR denotes the Guassian residuals. Col + Tex is the combination of Cb,Cr and the texture filtering responses by Schmidt filter bank. Filters denotes a combination of three kinds of high-pass filters used for steganalysis and DCT-His denotes the histogram of DCT coefficents.

Architecture Input size Preprocessing Convolutional part Fully connected part
N Layers Activation Pooling BN GAP / Stats N Layers Activation Dropout
RF B1 [50] N × N × 3 Lap 5 ReLU Avg GAP - - -
B2 [53] 64 × 64 × 1 GR 6 L-ReLU - - 1 L-ReLU -
B3 [52] 32 × 32 × 3 Conv 2 ReLU Avg - 1 ? -
B4 [51] 64 × 64 × 3 - 6 ReLU Max - - 2 ReLU
CGI C1 [54] 32 × 32 × 3 - 6 ReLU - - - 2 ReLU + BN -
C2 [55] 96 × 96 Col + Tex 4 ReLU Avg - 1 ?
C3 [56] 650 × 650 Filters 5 ReLU Avg GAP - - -
C4 [57] NxN Conv 3 ReLU Max - 1 ReLU
C5 [58] 100 × 100 × 1 - 2 - - - Stats 1 ReLU
GAN D1 [59] N × N × 3 Lap 3 L-ReLU Max - - 2 L-ReLU -
SSN E1 [60] 64 × 64 DCT-His 2 ReLU Max - - 1 ReLU
E2 [61] 64 × 64 PRNU 4 ReLU Max - - 1 ReLU