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. 2021 Jul 29;16(7):e0254876. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254876

Table 3. Model results for the full GLM model.

See full descriptions and units of the covariates in Table 2.

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
Intercept -7.209 0.168 -42.975 < 0.001
SpeciesSpruce1) -0.287 0.058 -4.952 < 0.001
SpeciesOther1) 0.716 0.214 3.350 < 0.001
DBH -0.072 0.004 -16.308 < 0.001
log(Basalarea + 0.5) 1.101 0.048 22.721 < 0.001
NorthBoreal -0.031 0.069 -0.450 0.65
SnowloadLongterm -0.027 0.005 -6.093 < 0.001
Snowload 0.032 0.001 30.822 < 0.001
RelativeElevation 0.026 0.002 10.752 < 0.001
Altitude 0.006 4.7E-04 11.892 < 0.001
SpeciesOther x DBH -0.092 0.016 -5.670 < 0.001
SpeciesSpruce x NorthBoreal -0.749 0.186 -4.029 < 0.001

1) Compared to the reference species Scots pine.