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. 2021 Jul 29;16(7):e0255010. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255010

Table 4. Traditional ethnobotanical uses of wild indigenous plant species recorded from Dawarian and Ratti Gali, District Neelam Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan.

S. No Species name Family Collecting Period Part used Traditional ethnobotanical uses
1. Acer cappadocicum Gled. MUH-1775 Sapindaceae Summer Leaf, Stem, twigs The gum of tree is used as body tonic. Leaf extract is used for curing of diabetes, dysentery and diarrhea. Leaf and young twigs are used as fodder for animals. Dry wood is used as source of fuel for domestic needs.
2. Ajuga bracteosa Wall. MUH-1776 Lamiaceae Summer Root, leaf, flower Root extract is used for purification of blood. Paste of leaves helpful to cure headache while powder of whole plant is given to treat abdominal pain. The flower powder is used for cure of diabetes. The root tea is used for killing of stomach worms.
3. Ajuga parviflora Benth. MUH-1777 Lamiaceae Summer Leaf, root, stem, twigs The plant leaf extract is used for cure of typhoid and malaria. The root decoction is used for cure of chronic fever and chest pains. It is used as vermifuge. It is used as fodder for domestic goats and animals.
4. Allium griffithianum Boiss. MUH-1778 Amaryllidaceae Summer Leaf The leaf tea or decoction is used to cure fever and cough. It is used as food. It is used as stomach cure and appetizer for easy digestion.
5. Aconogonon alpinum (All.) Schur MUH-1779 Polygonaceae Summer Leaf, root Leaves are used as culinary food. Root is used for the treatment of joints pain. The root powder is used as stomach pain reliever and tonic as wormicidal.
6. Actaea spicata L. MUH-1780 Ranunculaceae Summer Root, leaf Juice of roots is used to kill lice. The leaf extract is used for curing of nerve infirmities, joints inflammation, leucorrhea and rheumatism.
7. Aesculus indica (Wall. Ex Cambess.) Hook. MUH-1781 Spindaceae Summer Leaf, root, bark The leaf decoction is used for cure of skin rashes and irritation. The root powder is used for treatment of rheumatic pains. The bark extract is used for curing of headache. Its leaves are used as fodder. Wood and stem is used as fuel.
8. Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Ex Royle MUH-1782 Ranunculaceae Summer Root, leaf, stem bark Root’s tea is used for the treatment of fever, vomiting, dysentery, flu cough and abdominal pain with boiled milk. The root decoction is used as expectorant and febrifuge agent. The bark powder is used for cure of inflammation and chronic joints pains.
9. Abies pindrow Royle. MUH-1783 Pinaceae Summer Leaf, root The paste of the leaf is used for curing cuts, wounds and bruises to get rid of bacteria and germs. The root paste is used to cure inflammation of joints. The root tea is used for cure of asthma and cough. Seeds decoction is used for treating fever, hyperglycemia and bronchitis.
10. Achillea millefolium L. MUH-1784 Asteraceae Summer Leaf, root Leaf ash and paste is used for cure bleeding wounds. The leaf decoction is used for dyspepsia and flatulence of stomach. Leaves are chewed to treat teeth pain and gums bleeding. Leaf juice is poured in ear to treat ear pain. Plant root infusion is used to treat T.B., stomach disorder and fever in form of Tea.
11. Artemisia japonica Thunb. MUH-1785 Asteraceae Summer Leaf, root, flower The juice of leaves is used for cough and asthma. The flower decoction is used for cure of vaginitis. The root infusion is used for treating hypertension. The leaf paste is used for cure of joint pains.
12. Anaphalis triplinervis Clarke MUH-1786 Asteraceae Summer Leaf, root and stem The leaf paste is used for cure for wounds and pains of toes. The leaf decoction is used in cure of epilepsy. The whole plant paste is used for treating of animal feet diseases as ethnoveterinary medicines.
13. Artemisia macrophylla Fisch. ex Besser MUH-1787 Asteraceae Summer Leaf, shoot, root Leaves are used for cough and asthma. Shoot is used for fodder. The root decoction is used as relief of edema and diuretic. The leaf cooked as vegetable for cure of constipation. Leaf tea is used as vigour tonic and cure of rheumatic disorders.
14. Astragalus graveolens Benth. MUH-1788 Papilionaceae Summer Leaf, Fruit Leaf is used for cure of wounds. Fruit is eatable and used as antioxidant agent.
15. Adiantum aethiopicum L. MUH-1790 Pteridaceae Summer Leaf Juice of leaves is used for the treatment of chest burning, stomachache and blood purification.
16. Arisaema tortuosum (Wall.) Schott MUH-1791 Araceae Summer Leaf, root, tuber The root decoction is used as wormicide. The extract of leaf is used to cure cattle worms and stomach issues. The dried tubers are used as cure of snake poison.
17. Astragalus chlorostachys Bunge MUH-1792 Papilionaceae Summer Leaf The leaf decoction is used as abortifacient and relief of vaginal pains. The plant is used as fodder for the livestock and cattle.
18. Bergenia locustral (Haw.) Sternb. MUH-1793 Saxifragaceae Summer Leaf, root Extract of leaf is used for cure of earaches. The root decoction is used as a tonic in treatment of fevers, diarrhoea and pulmonary affections.
19. Bromus pectinatus Thunb. MUH-1794 Poaceae Summer Leaf, whole plan It is used as fodder with increasing of milk yield in cattle. The plant is also used as fuel agent in dried form.
20. Berberis 10ustra Royle MUH-1795 Berberidaceae Summer Leaf, root Dried leaves powder is used for the treatment of headache, stomachache. The root decoction is used for cure of joints pain and toothache. Boiled water of roots is used to treat internal wounds, especially bone fracture.
21. Bistorta amplexicaulis (D.Don) Greene MUH-1796 Polygonaceae Summer Root, Leaf Dried root is used as tea to cure stomachache. The herbaceous roots are tonic for enhancing of cow milk. The root decoction is used for cure of toothache. The whole plant is also used as fodder or cattle. Root paste is used as cure of snake poison.
22. Buddleja crispa Benth. MUH-1797 Buddlejaceae Summer Root, leaf The root infusion is used for curing wound healing by increasing platelets. Its leaf extract is used for inflammation and analgesic purpose. It is used as fodder for indigenous pets and cattle.
23. Buxus wallichiana Baill. MUH-1798 Buxaceae Summer Leaf, root, seed Dried leaves are used in the treatment of joints pain and muscles pain. The root decoction is used for cure of syphilis. The seed powder is used as purgative agent.
24. Convolvulus arvensis L. MUH-1799 Convolvulaceae Summer Leaf, stem, root Leaf is used as vegetable which is purgative and laxative. The stem paste is used for treating of joints pain. It is also used as fodder.
25. Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. MUH-1800 Asteraceae Summer Leaf, root, stem The leaf decoction is used for cure of edema. The root powder is used for cure of hepatic issues. Powdered form mix with water is used as tonic.
26. Campanula pallida Wall. MUH-1801 Campanulaceae Summer Leaf, stem, root The leaf is used to cure bactericidal and fungicidal. The root decoction is used for treating scabies. The leaf and stem is used as fodder.
27. Cynoglossum lanceolatum Forssk. MUH-1802 Boraginaceae Summer Leaf, root The foliar past is applied on abscess to remove pus. It is also use in asthma. The leaf decoction is used for cure of eye ailments. The root infusion is used for cure of chest infection and bronchitis.
28. Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. MUH-1803 Convolvulaceae Summer Whole plant, stem Juice of the whole plant used to increase the length of hairs and make strong. It is also used as fodder. Its decoction is used in jaundice and cure of spleen disorders. The infusion is used for treating urinary issues. The powder mixed with desi ghee/butter is used for cure of weak muscles and their pains.
29. Cedrus deodara (Roxb. Ex D.Don) G.Don MUH-1804 Pinaceae Summer Leaf, stem, fruit, root, wood The leaf decoction is used for treating of piles. The root burnt used to cure epilepsy. The fruit is used for renal infection and fever. The stem bark is used for curing urinary bladder issues. Oil of wood is used for toothache, applied to skin for skin problems. Wood is also used as fuel.
30. Colchicum luteum Baker MUH-1805 Colchicaceae Summer Leaf, root, stem, flower Juice of plant is used for purification of blood. The leaf decoction is used for curing gout and joint pain. The root infusion is used for cure of liver disorders and enlarged spleen.
31. Corylus colurna L. MUH-1806 Butalaceae Summer Fruit, leaf Fruit is eatable is used as vigour. The leaf extract is used as antioxidant. Leaf extract is useful as cure of snake poison.
32. Corydalis vaginans Royle MUH-1807 Fumariaceae Summer Sap, root The sap of the plant is used in the treatment of eye diseases. The root decoction is used to cure epilepsy.
33. Cotoneaster microphyllus Wall. Ex Lindl. MUH-1808 Rosaceae Summer Leaf, root, stem The leaf decoction is used for treating of diarrhoea. The root powder is used as effective to cure wounds. The leaf and stem is used as fodder for cattle and goats.
34. Corydalis govaniana Wall. MUH-1809 Fumariaceae Summer Leaf The juice of leaf is used for the treatment of fever and skin problem.
35. Caltha alba Cambess. MUH-1810 Ranunculaceae Summer Leaf, whole powder The dried powder or juice of this plant is used to reduce muscle pain and sedative.
36. Cenchrus pennisetiformis Steud. MUH-1811 Poaceae Summer Leaf, stem The leaf extract is used for cure of bacterial infections. The stem and leaf parts are used as fodder for cattle and rodents.
37. Clinopodium vulgare L. MUH-1812 Lamiaceae Summer Leaf A sweet and aromatic herb tea is made from the fresh leaf for cure of headache and migraine pain.
38. Digitaria cruciata (Nees) A.Camus MUH-1813 Poaceae Summer Seed, leaf, root The seed powder or flour is used as tonic for body vigour. The root decoction is used for curing of stomach disorders. The leaf extract is used as bioherbicidal. It is used as fodder for cattle and goats.
39. Erysimum hieraciifolium L. f. MUH-1814 Brassicaceae Summer Leaf, root, whole plant The leaf decoction is used for cure of foot rot. The root infusion is used for treatment of pimples and bruises on legs. The whole plant is used as food and source of vegetable.
40. Erysimum hedgeanum Al-Shehbaz MUH-1815 Brassicaceae Summer Leaf, whole plant This is poisonous herb. The juice of whole plant is use to kill lices in animals.
41. Euonymus hemsleyanus Loes. MUH-1816 Celastraceae Summer Leaf, root, whole plant The leaf decoction is used as tonic for hair growth. It is used as fodder cattle and rodents.
42. Elsholtzia strobilifera (Benth.) Benth. MUH-1817 Lamiaceae Summer Leaf, root, stem The leaf tea is useful for cure of cold and flu. The root infusion is used for treating indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea. The stem bark is used for cure of pharyngitis disorders. The whole plant is used as fodder cattle and rodents.
43. Fragaria nubicola Lacaita MUH-1818 Rosaceae Summer Fruit, leaf Fruit is eatable and used as antioxidant agent. The leaf decoction is used for curing of blemishes infirmities. The fruit extract with milk is used for damaged and broken nerve disorders. The leaf smoke is used for treating of lungs issues.
44. Geranium rotundifolium L. MUH-1819 Geraniaceae Summer Root, Leaves Dried root powder is doted on wounds. The dried roots were grinded, sugar and milk are added in it, and then used for pain relief of joints. The root decoction is used to cure epilepsy.
45. Geranium villosum Ten. MUH-1820 Geraniaceae Summer Leaf, bark and whole plant It is used as food for cure of edema. The leaf and bark paste is used for broken and fractured legs and joints.
46. Gerbera gossypina (Royle) Beauverd MUH-1821 Asteraceae Summer Leaf, root, stem The leaf decoction is used cure of hair disorders. The root powder is used for treating the rashes and foot allergy. It is used as fodder cattle and rodents.
47. Hylotelephium ewersii (Ledeb.) H.Ohba MUH-1822 Crassulaceae Summer Leaf It is believed to be having cooling effect if the juice of the leaves mix with water and drink.
48. Ilex dipyrena Wall. MUH-1823 Aquifoliaceae Summer Leaf, stem It is used as fodder. It is also the source of fuel and wood.
49. Indigofera heterantha Brandis MUH-1824 Papilionaceae Summer Leaf, Shoot The leaf decoction is used for cure of stomach disorder and abdominal pains. Shoots are used as fodder, branches as ropes, brooms and fuel.
50. Isodon rugosus (Wall.) Codd MUH-1825 Lamiaceae Summer Leaf, root Juice of the leaves is used for stomachache. The root decoction is used for respiratory and cardiovascular problems.
51. Juncus arcuatus Wahlenb. MUH-1826 Juncaceae Summer Whole plant It is used as fodder cattle and rodents. It is used as fuel in dried form.
52. Juniperus communis Brand. MUH-1827 Cupressaceae Summer Wood, leaf, root The decoction of root is used for cure of inflammation and diarrhea. The leaf extract is used as microbicide and antiseptic. It is the source of fuel and commercial wood.
53. Lespedeza juncea (L.f.) Pers. MUH-1828 Papilionaceae Summer Leaf, root The decoction of root is used as cure of diarrhea and dysentery. The leaf tea is used for stomach pains. It is used as fodder cattle and rodents.
54. Ligularia thomsonii Clarke. MUH-1829 Asteraceae Summer Root, leaf Dried root or powdered of root is used in the treatment of asthma. The leaf infusion and salad is stimulator of blood flow, reduce inflammation and stopping cough.
55. Mentha longifolia L. MUH-1830 Lamiaceae Summer Leaf, shoot. Shoot extract is used for stomachache and gas trouble. Juice of leaves expels worms from the stomach. It is also as condiment. The root decoction is used to cure cardiovascular disorders.
56. Matricaria chamomilla L. MUH-1831 Asteraceae Summer Root, leaf, stem bark Root powder is used for toothache. The leaf decoction is used in relief of fever and inflammation. The bark is used for cure of menstrual cycle regulator.
57. Morina persica L. MUH-1832 Caprifoliaceae Summer Aerial parts It is used for treatment of cold. Its leaf extract is used as bactericidal and fungicidal herbal medicine.
58. Meliosma simplicifolia (Roxb.) Walp. MUH-1833 Sabiaceae Summer Leaf, Wood Leaf decoction is used as cure of inflammation reducer of legs and broken joints. The leaf is used as fodder. Its wood is source of fuel.
59. Oxalis corniculata L. MUH-1834 Oxalidaceae Summer Leaf, Flowers Juice of leaves and flowers mixed together is used for the treatment of eyes.
60. Onychium japonicum (Thunb.) Kunze MUH-1835 Pteridaceae Summer Leaf, root Leaf is used as vegetable for laxative purpose. Dried root or powdered root is used for the treatment of asthma and flu.
61. Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill MUH-1836 Polygonaceae Summer Shoot, root, leaf Shoot extracts are used for constipation, liver disorders and stomachache. Root decoction is used for cure of stomachache.
62. Onosma bracteata Wall. MUH-1837 Boraginaceae Summer Root, leaf Powder of dry root is used against asthma and bronchitis. Decoction of leaf is given in stomach and bladder irritation.
63. Origanum vulgare L. MUH-1838 Lamiaceae Summer Leaf, root The leaf poultice is used for muscles pain and broken bones. The root tea is used for cold cure and toothache. It is also as vegetable and fodder.
64. Polygala chinensis L. MUH-1839 Polygalaceae Summer Leaf, root, stem This root powder plant is used for treatment of snake bites. The leaf extract is used as fever cure and expectorant for cough and bronchitis. The leaf extract is also used to cure cardiovascular disorders.
65. Phlomis bracteosa Royle ex Benth. MUH-1840 Lamiaceae Summer Leaf, Flower Leaf powder is mixed in tea and used against cough and cold. Flowers are crushed and used against toothache.
66. Pedicularis brevifolia D.Don MUH-1841 Orobanchaceae Summer Leaf, Root Leaf decoction is used for the treatment of cough, fever and asthma. The leaf poultice is used for allergy and skin disease. Dried or powdered root is used for the treatment of stomachache.
67. Primula lacustra Sm. MUH-1842 Primalaceae Summer Stem, leaf Juice of stem is used for eye diseases. Leaf extract is used for cure of scabies.
68. Podophyllum hexandrum Royle MUH-1843 Barberidaceae Summer Leaf, root Leaf powder is used in the treatment of asthma. Root is used to reduce goiter and other sore throat infections.
69. Populus alba L. MUH-1844 Salicaceae Summer Leaf, root, bark The leaf decoction is used to cure gout, joint pain and arthritis. The root infusion is used for backbone and lumber pains. The stem bark is used as cure of liver inflammation and debility issues. Leaf are used as fodder. Wood is used as fuel.
70. Plantago lanceolata L. MUH-1845 Plantaginaceae Summer Leaf, root, stem bark The leaf decoction is used as laxative. The root tea is used for cure of cold, flu and fever. The bark extract is employed is used for cure of debility and body general weakness.
71. Persicaria mitis (Schrank) Holub MUH-1846 Polygonaceae Summer Root, leaf Tea is made by root which help to reduce the joints pain. Leaf is used for cure of stomach pains.
72. Picea smithiana (Wall.) Boiss. MUH-1847 Pinaceae Summer Leaf, root, wood The leaf extract is used for cure of wounds and chilling pains. The root decoction is used for treating the stomachache. Wood is the source of fuel.
73. Podophyllum emodi Wall. Ex Hook.f. & Thomson MUH-1848 Berberidaceae Summer Leaf, root, stem bark The leaf decoction is used to cure constipation and burning sensation. The root tea is used to cure colds, fever and cough. The bark powder is used for cure of wounds. It is used as fodder cattle and rodents.
74. Pinus wallichiana A.B.Jacks. MUH-1849 Pinaceae Summer Leaf, stem bark, root, resin, seeds The smell of resin reduce severe cough. Leaf decoction is used cure heat of stomach and chest infection. The infusion of bark is used for cure of dysentery. Wood is used to make house thatching and source of fuel as well. Cones are used for fuel purposes and seeds are edible as nuts. The resin is used to make coal for paving roads.
75. Pinus roxburghii Sarg. MUH-1850 Pinaceae Summer Resin, leaf, bark and flower cone The extract of leaf is used to kill worms and used as septic agent. The infusion of bark is used for dysentery and heat or burning sensation of feet. Wood is used for furniture and fire purpose. Smoke is used to repel the mosquitoes and other insects. Flower extract is also used to cure cardiovascular disorders.
76. Rosa macrophylla Lindl. MUH-1851 Rosaceae Summer Fruit, root, flower Fruit is used in fever to cure from it. The root powder is used for cure of brunt wounds. The flower is used to make admixture of flower with sugar and is used for cure of body tonic.
77. Rheum emodi Wall. MUH-1852 Polygonaceae Summer Leaf, root, stem bark The leaf extract is used as laxative and urination. The root infusion is used for cure of fever and cough. The stem bark decoction is used for treating of menstrual or other sexual disorders.
78. Rubus niveus subsp. Horsfieldii (Miq.) Focke MUH-1853 Rosaceae Summer Fruit, root and leaf Fruit is eatable and used as tonic of body. The leaf decoction is used for cure of debility and menstrual disorders. The root extract is used to treat eye problems.
79. Rheum lacustral D. Don MUH-1854 Polygonaceae Summer Root, Leaf Leaf decoction is used to cure stomachache and it is cooked as vegetable which is laxative and used to cure constipation. Paste of root is used for wound healing.
80. Rhus succedanea L. MUH-1855 Anacardiaceae Summer Leaf, root, stem The root extract is used as antidote for scorpion sting. The root infusion is applied for as febrifuge and antivinous. The stem bark is used for cure of ophthalmic disorders. It is used as fodder. It is also source of fuel. Stem bark decoction is used to cure kidney disorders.
81. Saussurea lappa (Decne.) Sch.Bip. MUH-1856 Asteraceae Summer Root, leaf Powder of root is used for cough and toothache. The extract of root is used as vermifuge for intestinal worm. Juice of root is used to cure rheumatism and pneumonia. Its root is used for cure of tuberculosis and epilepsy.
82. Silene vulgaris Garcke. MUH-1857 Caryophyllaceae Summer Leaf, whole plant It is used as vegetable laxative. The plant has many nutritive worth. It is also used for fodder for rodents in local area.
83. Sonchus asper Hill. MUH-1858 Asteraceae Summer Leaf and whole plant Its leaf decoction is used for cure of bleedings. It is known as best antioxidant for cure of different infirmities. Fresh leaves and stem is cooked as vegetable. It is used as fodder as well.
84. Sorghum halepense Pers. MUH-1859 Poaceae Summer Seed, leaf, stem, root Seed flour is used as body tonic. Juice of root is used for the asthma. Leaf decoction is used for urinary irritation. It is also used for fodder.
85. Senecio chrysanthemoides DC. MUH-1860 Asteraceae Summer Leaf, root, whole plant Leaf decoction is used for cure of rashes and bruises. Root paste us used for scorpion sting antidote. It is used as vegetable.
86. Skimmia laureola Franch. MUH-1861 Rutaceae Summer Leaf, root, stem wood Tea is made by dry leaves which is very effective in joints pain, muscles pain, stomach pain and bone pain. Powdered root also used in deserts.
87. Salix tetrasperma Roxb. MUH-1862 Salicaceae Summer Leaf, shoot, whole plant Leaf infusion is used as bactericidal. It is used antidiabetic tonic. It is used as fodder. Wood is used as fuel. Shoot extract is also used to cure cardiovascular disorders.
88. Symplocos paniculata (Thunb.) Miq. MUH-1863 Symplocaceae Summer Leaf, root Powdered leaf is used with cow milk is used for treatment of menorrhagia. The leaf extract is applied on eye disease like irritation. Its root decoction is used for cure of dysentery.
89. Sarcococca saligna Müll.Arg. MUH-1864 Buxaceae Summer Leaf, root Tea of leaf is used in constipation, blood purification and muscles relaxation. The root powder with hot milk or water is used as laxative. The root decoction is used for cure of muscular pains and blood cleanser in the study area.
90. Satyrium nepalense D.Don MUH-1865 Orchidaceae Summer Tuber, leaf Tubers are used as tonic and to cure dysentery and malaria fever. The leaf and tuber tea is used for cure of backbone pain. Its decoction is used for curing nephritis and kidney disorders. The leaf paste is used for cure of erectile dysfunction.
91. Scutellaria linearis Benth. MUH-1866 Lamiaceae Summer Leaf, root Leaf powder is used to reduce inflammation and diarrhea. The root decoction is used for treatment of analgesic problems. The plant is used for antinociceptive agent in different drug preparation. It is neuro-stimulus booster.
92. Swertia paniculata Wall. MUH-1867 Gentianaceae Summer Leaf, root Leaf extract is used to cure hepatic disorders. The root decoction is used to treat diabetes. Powdered plant is used to cure from fever.
93. Solidago lacustralis Fisch. Ex Herder MUH-1868 Asteraceae Summer Leaf, shoot, root Leaf paste is used to cure of burns. Root powdered plant is used to heal wounds and cure of pus and pain. It is used as cure of edema by release of excessive water. Root decoction us used to cure kidney stones.
94. Thymus linearis Benth. MUH-1869 Lamiaceae Summer Leaf, root, whole plant Tea is made by this plant which help to reduce fats in body, abdominal pain and gas trouble.
95. Taxus baccata L. MUH-1870 Taxaceae Summer Leaf, root, wood The leaf extract is used to treat cold and fever. The root powder is used for treatment of cough and chest pains. It is also used for preparation of taxol medicines. The plant is used for source of fuel.
96. Trifolium repens L. MUH-1871 Papilionaceae Summer Leaf, root, stem Leaf extract is used to cure eye diseases. The root decoction is used to treat col and fevers. The stem bark is used to cure leucorrhea. This whole plant is used as vegetable
97. Viola biflora L. MUH-1872 Violaceae Summer Leaf, flower Leaf tea is used to cure flu and colds. The decoction is used for chest infections and cure of soar throat. Flower tea helps in cough headache and flu.
98. Vicia sativa L. MUH-1873 Papilionaceae Summer Leaf, seed Leaf is cooked and used vegetable. The leaf decoction is used to treat Parkinson disease. Seeds infusion is used as cure depressant and hypertension.
99. Viburnum cotinifolium Don. MUH-1874 Caprifoliaceae Summer Fruit, leaf, root Fruit is eatable and used as blood purifier. Leaf extract is known for cure of menorrhagia. The bark is used to muscular pains and cramps. The root tea or infusion is used as laxative to cure constipation.
100. Viscum album L. MUH-1875 Viscaceae Summer Leaf, seed, root, bark Leaf extract is used in the treatment of cough and asthma. Root powder is used to cure nervousness and fatigue issues. The seed roasted and taken with milk to cure insomnia and lesser immunity. The bark of stem is used to cure panic attacks and mental agitation. The root decoction is used to cure cancer and joint pains. The tea of leaf is used for cure of hypertension.
101. Viola canescens Wall. MUH-1877 Violaceae Summer Leaf, root, flower Leaf powder is used for cure of cough and flow. Tea of flowers is given internally in the treatment of coughs and asthma. The flower decoction is also used in cure of cancer disease. The tea of viola is useful in cure of malaria and immunity development.
102. Wulfenia amherstiana Benth. MUH-1878 Plantaginaceae Summer Whole plant, root Root decoction us used to cure kidney disorders. It is used as fodder cattle and rodents.
103. Withania coolgulans L. MUH-1879 Solanaceae Spring Leaf, seed The leaf decoction is used to cure fatigue, disability. The seed powder is used for cure of insomnia. The seeds in fat/desi ghee is used for body impotence and nervous activeness.