Fig. 7.
Rates of bone matrix deposition do not respond to environmental stimuli in crocc2 mutants. Bone deposition rate was measured as the ratio between the area of the coronoid process (CP) at time 0 (red label) over the area at time 1 (green label) in WT and crocc2 mutant zebrafish reared under alternate foraging regimes. Panel (A) shows the medial view of the oral jaw skeleton, under GFP illumination, depicting the anterior neurocranium (NCM), dentary (DNT), CP, and quadrate (QU). Scale bar for (A) equals 1 mm. Panel (B) depicts a composite image of red and green fluorochromes in the CP of a WT animal, whereas panel (C) shows the CP of a crocc2 mutant. Two subdivisions of the adductor mandiblae can be seen in (B and C)—AM2 and AMω. Scale bars in (B) and (C) equal 200 µm. Panel (D) presents the results of a comparison of bone deposition rates. Pairwise significance was assessed via an ANOVA followed by a Tukey’s multiple comparison test.