Figure 5. NirD directly interact with the catalytic N-terminal region of RelA.
(A) Biolayer interferometric assay of RelAN-terminal on NirD or NirDE50K. Biotinylated NirD or NirDE50K were immobilized on streptavidin biosensors and probed with RelAN-terminal at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 30 µM. The curves are represented as the means of the subtracted reference binding responses during association and dissociation from three experiments, the error bars depicting the SDs. The inset curve shows the specific biolayer interferometry (BLI) response (nm) 10 s before the end of association as a function of RelAN-terminal concentration. Data are represented as the means of the three experiments, the error bars depicting the SDs. (B, C) Isothermal titration calorimetry profiles corresponding to the binding of RelAN-terminal 30–300 µM NirD (B) or 300 µM NirDE50K (C) at 25°C. The upper panels show raw data for titration of NirD or NirDE50K with RelAN-terminal, and the lower panels show the integrated heats of binding obtained from the raw data. The data were fitted using a ‘One Set of Sites’ model in the PEAQ-ITC Analysis Software.