(A) Western blot analysis of poly-ubiquitination with an antibody against poly-ubiquitin (Poly-Ubq) in total lysates of 14 DIV and 21 DIV cortical neurons. Actin was used as a loading control. (B) Plot showing the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) into the media of 12–14 DIV, 15–21 DIV and 22–28 DIV cortical neurons (ns, non-significant when analyzed by one-way ANOVA). The graph shows the mean ± SEM. (C) Plot showing the total protein, determined by the BCA assay, present in total lysates from 12–14 DIV, 15–21 DIV and 22–28 DIV cortical neurons (ns, non-significant when analyzed by one-way ANOVA). The graph shows the mean ± SEM.