Fig. 4.
Morphology and absorption properties of GNSs with various thicknesses of silica shells. (a) TEM images of bare GNSs and silica-coated GNSs with various volumes of TEOS. (b) Statistical size distribution of bare GNSs and silica-coated GNSs with various volumes of TEOS. The pattern of bare GNSs (black) is covered by the pattern of the silica-coated GNSs with 20 μL of TEOS (red) because of their similar size distribution. (c) Thicknesses of silica shells with various volumes of TEOS (mean size ± SD). (d) UV–vis–NIR spectrum of bare GNSs and GNSs with various thicknesses of silica shells (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).