Fig 4.
Arthroscopic visualization from the lateral portal in a left shoulder with the patient in the beach-chair position. Through the posterior portal, the cannula was inserted toward the lesion side (A), and the mixture of chips and autologous conditioned plasma (ACP) was carefully distributed into the defect (B). The tip of the measure-probe was used to create evenly allocated chips (C). After that, the fragment-paste was covered with the previously prepared thrombin solution using a syringe (D). To seal the lesion, thrombin and ACP were mixed in a 1:1 ratio and quickly applied drop by drop on the now-filled defect with a new syringe (E). The fragments should now be evenly distributed in the lesion side (F). (white arrow, chondral defect; blue arrow, implanted chordal chips; HH, humerus head.)