Conidium and appressorium development analysis of the wild type and created strains. (A) Conidia formation on conidiophores. Conidia of the wild type and the four created strains (ΔMoPTEN, ΔMoPTEN/MoPTEN, ΔMoPTEN/MoPTEN-1, and ΔMoPTEN/MoPTEN-2) from 10-day-old OTA were transferred to cover slips, induced for 48 h, and observed and counted under a light microscope at room temperature. (B) Statistical analysis of conidial productivity. The conidia were harvested from the 10-day-old colonies grown on OTA media, and counted using a hemocytometer for all the 5 strains. (C) Conidial germination rate. Conidial germination was measured on a hydrophobic surface (plastic cover slips or gel-bond films) and onion epidermal cells and was calculated under the microscope at 2, 4, and 6 hpi. (D,E) Appressorial formation rate. Appressorial formation was measured on a hydrophobic cover slips and onion epidermis surface and was calculated under the microscope at 12 hpi. Error bars represent ± SD of three independent repeated samples. Two asterisks (**) represent an extremely significant difference at 0.001 < P < 0.01, and three asterisks (***) represent an extremely significant differences at P < 0.001. Scale bar = 50 μm.