Table 4.
Intervention components | Median (%) IQR fidelity* | Qualitative interview findings | Convergence |
All components | 84.2 | ‘I find myself that … that I can deliver the care…I was probably more comfortable delivering the intervention…after few sessions’ | Yes |
Materials | 100 (100, 100) | ‘I had to show them the booklet every patient so I don’t think I have forgotten to do that’ | Yes |
Introduction | 100 (75, 100) | ‘I explain all the study and then explain that whole process again for the purpose of the session’ | Yes |
Assessment | 100 (100, 100) | ‘I would say some of them were easy to find pinpoint the problems…as a nurse we always been asking these questions to patients… in this case but had previous experience in that area’ | Yes |
Exercise | 88.9 (72.7, 94.4) | ‘We practiced and demonstrated exercises… I felt comfortable altering the exercise for them…I just couldn’t think how to link that, erm, goal setting I didn’t deliver it good… I don't think I could have delivered it any better than that either… some did actually achieve the goal’ | Yes |
Education | 87.5 (74.1, 100) | ‘first few sessions I didn’t think of as very good to tell them about the information and then later on, I built that’ | Yes |
Weight loss | 100 (77.8, 100) | ‘Positive from that is that I managed to tell everyone that, ‘you need to lose weight’, so I think it was kind of structured in a way… I didn’t feel too much uncomfortable’ | Yes |
Adjunct treatments | 50 (0, 50) | ‘it was probably as a human error or that you forgot to mention it…with some patients if you already mentioned once or twice so with the first session that you need to you can use hot and cold therapy and then they refuse it and then there is no point’ | Yes |
Review and planning | 100 (25, 100) | ‘Not difficult… we always talked about it this is what we discussed it today this is the exercise we, have assigned you and if you feel that you can progress into further do so’ | Yes |
*Median fidelity scores of the individual components across the four sessions.