(A) Experimental design for SNP-guided RNA-seq of DCT. The ESX-1mut strains have targeted deletions of eccCb1, encoding the ATPase required for ESX-1 secretion activity and required in the recipient for conjugation. The four strains were grown individually and in mixed cultures of WT × WT, WT × ESX-1mut, or ESX-1mut × WT. Conditions, processing, and analysis are as indicated at right. (B) Heat-map cells of WXG100 genes from esx4 (esxUT), esx1 (esxBA), and esx3 (esxHG), with changes upon coculture shown as log2 insets. For each mating, the donor and recipient genotypes are shown, and the conjugal mating proficiencies are indicated. A housekeeping gene (rpoB) is included as an independent expression control.