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. 2021 Jun 26;38(7):1675–1689. doi: 10.1007/s10815-021-02254-6

Table 1.

List of studies that used AI on image data to predict or rank embryos based on pregnancy outcome. The reported information only concerns evaluation of pregnancy-related outcomes. Therefore, if a study includes additional tasks such as blastocyst prediction, these are not included in the table

Reference Input Outcome Embryo populationa Human vs. AIb Metricsc
[20] Static image Fetal heartbeat *-D5-blastocyst Accuracy, AUC
[21] Static image, patient age Beta-HCG *-D5/D6-blastocyst - Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, FPR, FNR, F1, AUC
[13] Static image, patient age, blastocyst age, lab settings Ploidy/beta-HCG *-D5/D6-blastocyst Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, AUC, NDCG
[22] Time-lapse video Fetal heartbeat ICSI-D3-*, ICSI-D5-* Sensitivity, PPV, AUC
[11] Time-lapse video Fetal heartbeat2 *-D5-* - AUC
[12] Static image Fetal heartbeat *-D5-blastocyst Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity
[23] Static image “pregnancy” *-*-blastocyst - Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity
[24] Static image Live birth *-D5/D6-blastocyst Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, AUC
[25] Static image Live birth *-D5-blastocyst1 - Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, AUC
[26] Static image, annotations, patient info (age, BMI, ...) Live birth *-D5/D6-blastocyst Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, informedness, AUC
[27] Static image, annotations, patient info (age, BMI, ...) Live birth *-D5/D6-blastocyst - Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, informedness, PPV, NPV, AUC
[14] Time-lapse video Fetal heartbeat *-*-* PPV, NPV, AUC
[15] Time-lapse video Fetal heartbeat *-D5/D6-* AUC

a The notation for Embryo population is explained in “Data foundation” and visualized in Fig. 1

b Human vs. AI comparisons are discussed in “Bias in model comparisons

c All metrics are explained in detail in “Evaluation metrics: which performance measure to use?

1 Only aneuploid miscarriages (confirmed with genetic testing of chorionic villus samples) were included as negative live births

2 Negative fetal heartbeat was assumed for all non-transferred embryos that had “failed or abnormal fertilization, grossly abnormal morphology or aneuploidy from preimplantation genetic testing”