Figure 6.
Neuropeptidergic interaction networks in the pig RAGP
(A,C, and E) Expression patterns of somatostatin (A), galanin (C), and neuropeptide Y (E) and their cognate receptors across 405 single RAGP neurons (n = 4 animals) assayed through HT-qPCR.
(B,D, and F) The transcriptional landscape across all RAGP colored for expression of the neuropeptides and their cognate receptors. (G,H) Interaction networks of neuronal subtypes defined based on the combinatorial pattern of neuropeptides and their receptor expression.
(G) The interaction network subset corresponding to the neuronal subtypes producing the neuropeptides somatostatin (Sst), galanin (Gal), and neuropeptide Y (Npy). The circular nodes denote the neuronal subtypes.The size of the node is proportional to the number of single neurons belonging to each subtype. The pie chart within each circular node indicates the proportion of the neurons within that subtype that are identified as projecting to the SAN region. The arrows from the circular nodes denoting the neuronal subtypes connect to the square-shaped nodes denoting the three neuropeptides, based on which subtypes show the corresponding neuropeptide gene expression above a specified threshold. The color of the arrows matches the color of the corresponding target square-shaped node.
(H) The interaction network subset corresponding to the neuropeptide receptor expression across the neuronal subtypes. The notation of circular and square-shaped nodes is the same as in pane (G). The arrows connect each neuropeptide to the neuronal subtypes based on which subtypes express any the corresponding neuropeptide receptors above a specified threshold. The color of the arrows corresponds to the color of the neuropeptide node.
(I) Combinatorial pattern of expression of a wide range of neuropeptides and receptors of neurotransmitters across single neurons in RAGP (n = 4 animals).