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. 2021 Apr 24;28(8):4461–4471. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.04.043

Table 4.

In vivo effect of Che-SeNPs and BioSeNPs treatments at concentrations (50, 75, and 100 µg/mL) on plant growth parameters in Masr1 wheat cultivar.

Treatment Plant growth parameters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Control 3.4aG 2.1a 19a 8.1a 16.9a 79a 3aB 10.6a 47a 43a
Fusarium culmorum 2.9b 1.5c 14c 3.1c 12.3c 68c 2b 9.9b 44b 37b
Fusarium graminearum 3.1ab 1.7b 16b 5.1b 14b 75b 3a 8.9c 41c 25c
CheSeNPs 50 (control) 3.6aF 2.3a 19.4a 8.39a 17.2a 79.5a 3aB 10.9a 50a 45a
CheSeNPs 50 + F. culmorum 3.0c 1.7c 15.1c 4.2c 13.5c 69c 2b 10ab 46b 40b
CheSeNPs 50 + F.graminearum 3.3b 1.9b 16.8b 6.1b 15b 71b 3a 9.5b 43c 39bc
BioSeNPs 50 (control) 3.7aE 2.4a 19.5a 8.52a 17.5a 80.2a 3a 11.1a 52a 46.9a
BioSeNPs 50 + F. culmorum 3.1bc 1.75c 15.3c 4.34c 13.9c 69.8c 2b 10.6b 48b 44b
BioSeNPs 50 + F.graminearum 3.2b 1.95b 17b 6.18b 15.1b 73b 3a 9.8c 44.5c 40c
CheSeNPs 75 (control) 3.8aD 2.49a 19.6a 8.6a 17.6a 80.6a 3aA 11.3a 54a 49a
CheSeNPs 75 + F. culmorum 3.1c 1.7c 15.4c 4.5c 14.2c 71c 3a 10.8b 49b 46b
CheSeNPs 75 + F.graminearum 3.5b 2.1b 17.1b 6.2b 15.23b 74b 3a 10bc 46c 41c
BioSeNPs 75 (control) 3.9aC 2.55a 19.8a 8.9a 17.9a 80.8a 3aA 11.4a 55a 50a
BioSeNPs 75 + F. culmorum 3.1c 1.7c 14.9c 4c 12.3c 71c 3a 10.9b 50b 47b
BioSeNPs 75 + F.graminearum 3.5b 2.1b 17b 6.1b 15b 75b 3a 10.2c 48c 42c
CheSeNPs 100 (control) 4.2aB 2.75a 20.8a 9.9a 18a 81a 3aA 11.5a 56a 51a
CheSeNPs 100 + F. culmorum 3.6c 2.2c 15c 4.1c 13c 72c 3a 11ab 51b 47b
CheSeNPs 100 + F.graminearum 3.9b 2.5b 18b 7.1b 16b 76b 3a 10.8b 49bc 45bc
BioSeNPs 100 (control) 4.5aA 3.1a 21.6a 10.7a 18.5a 82a 3aA 12a 58a 52a
BioSeNPs 100 + F. culmorum 3.9bc 2.5bc 16.5c 5.6c 13.9c 73c 3a 11.4b 56b 50b
BioSeNPs100 + F.graminearum 4.1b 2.7b 18.8b 7.9b 16b 77b 3a 11bc 50c 48c

Mean in the same column with different lowercase letters are significantly different in one group p ≤ 0.05. Different upper letters are different between groups; n = 30. Plant growth parameters; 1: Root fresh weight (g), 2: Root dry weight (g), 3: Shoot fresh weight (g), 4: Shoot dry weight (g), 5: Root length (cm), 6: Shoot length (cm), 7: Tiller (No), 8: Spike length (cm), 9: Grains number (No), 10: 1000 grains weight (g).