Inputs: The estimated marker-specific p-value (Pj) and the permuted (null) pooled effects () obtained based on the single-marker meta-analysis (Algorithm 1) for each marker (j = 1, …, Q). |
Outputs: The p-value for aMeta. |
1. Compute the null values of Pj (denoted as ) as = , where r = 1, …, R and = 1, …, R, for each marker (j = 1, …, Q). |
2. Compute the null statistic values of TaMeta (denoted as ) as , for r = 1, …, R
(Eq. 7). |
3. Compute the observed statistic value (denoted as TaMeta) as
(Eq. 7). |
4. Compute the p-value for aMeta as , where I(·) is an indicator function. |