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. 2021 Jul 16;7(3):e30730. doi: 10.2196/30730

Table 1.

Types of fraudulent or suspicious data identified in eliminated survey responses (n=1081).a

Description Value, n (%)
Year of birth is reported as 2020, or reported age and age calculated from reported date of birth are different by more than 1 year 250 (17.8)
Reported age is <40 years and cancer type is rare for those aged <40 years 283 (20.1)
Respondents indicate a survey source prior to dissemination of the survey from that source 820 (58.2)
Open-ended comments focus on information technology rather than answering the question asked 56 (4)
Open-ended telehealth comments are duplicates 34 (2.4)
Final open-ended suggestion responses are duplicates 107 (7.6)
Email addresses are duplicates 20 (1.4)
Time since diagnosis is <2 years, but time since treatment is 2-5 years 11 (0.8)
Time since diagnosis is ≤5 years, but time since treatment is >5 years 57 (4)
Suspicious survey time (at least 10 surveys completed in succession within 5 minutes of each other or completed between midnight and 4 AM EST) 986 (70)
Email/address is suspicious (for email: at least 10 random numbers or letters in a row, or strange punctuation or capitalization; for address: incomplete address, address of a business, address is not real, address includes quotation marks, or pattern of strange capitalization or spacing) 166 (11.8)
Name/suffix is suspicious (first and last name flipped, part of last name in first name field or vice versa, male suffix and female name, random letters or numbers in suffix field) 78 (5.5)

aIndividuals could be counted in as many indicators as their responses suggested; thus, the n values do not add up to the total of excluded data.