Process and Responsibility Modifications |
The assigned nurse becomes responsible for many steps in the preparation phase (2nd phase) |
Missed test and Informing wrong information |
Single Piece Flow was utilized instead of batch Flow. |
Missed test, and Wrong patient and test |
Resource and Information Technology Utilization |
A new report was designed in the electronic medical records to determine pending blood sampling orders |
Missed test, and Wrong patient and test |
Using one printers in each nursing station for printing the labels |
Wrong patient and test |
Patients and Families Engagement |
Patient and family education about sampling process and time and important of their engagement in the process to prevent errors and ensure providing care according their preferences |
Wrong patient |
Safety Culture |
Reporting the event report and near miss error related to blood sampling |
All failure modes |
Good catch award |
Tracking the errors through adoption of new indicators named “ Blood sampling mixed up” and “ Nursing Blood sampling Errors”. |
Regular nursing quality rounds |
Education and Training |
Providing nursing education about the new process for new and old nurses. |
All failure modes |
Training nursing using simulation lab approach. |
Nursing Guideline in Phlebotomy /Reanimation was developed |