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. 2021 Jul 30;10:103. doi: 10.1186/s40249-021-00888-3

Table 3.

Regression-based path analysis of the predisposing, enabling, reinforcing factors constructs to predict SMTP behaviors

STEP Independent variable Standardized Beta P value Dependent variable
1a Predisposing factors (TB knowledge) 0.330 0.003 SMTP behaviors
Enabling factors (health education) -0.065 0.360
Enabling factors (HCWs support) 0.437 0.003
Reinforcing factors (family support) 0.085 0.093
2b Enabling factors (health education) 0.564 0.000 Predisposing factors (TB knowledge)
3c Enabling factors (health education) 0.009 0.531 SMTP behaviors
Predisposing factors (TB knowledge) 0.263 0.000
4d Enabling factors (health education) 0.152 0.000 SMTP behaviors
5e Enabling factors (HCWs support) 0.366 0.000 Predisposing factors (TB knowledge)
6f Enabling factors (HCWs support) 0.134 0.021 SMTP behaviors
Predisposing factors (TB knowledge) 0.246 0.000
7g Enabling factors (HCWs support) 0.246 0.000 SMTP behaviors
8h Reinforcing factors (family support) 0.165 0.003 Predisposing factors (TB knowledge)
9i Reinforcing factors (family support) 0.098 0.056 SMTP behaviors
Predisposing factors (TB knowledge) 0.270 0.000
10j Reinforcing factors (family support) 0.118 0.027 SMTP behaviors
11k Reinforcing factors (family support) 0.164 0.117 Enabling factors (health education)

HCWs: Healthcare workers, SMTP: Self-management of tuberculosis patients, TB: Tuberculosis

aOccupation as control variables;

bAge, marital status, education, occupation, main source of income as control variables;

cAge, marital status, occupation as control variables;

dAge, marital status, occupation as control variables;

eMarital status, education, occupation, main source of income as control variables;

fMarital status, occupation as control variables;

gMarital status, occupation as control variables;

hAge, occupation, main source of income as control variables;

iAge, occupation as control variables;

jAge, occupation as control variables;

kAge, occupation, work/studying status, main source of income as control variables