Fig. 2.
Operation principle and electrical, mechanical, and optical characterization of the long-range device. (A) Average electrical power consumption for a range of duty cycles and irradiances. (B) Electrical operation principle schematic. (C) Layered rendering of device structure. (D) Photographic image of device balanced on a finger. (E) Photographic image of device serpentine being stretched. (Inset) Mechanical strain finite element simulation. (F) Magnetic finite element simulation for a 70 × 70-cm arena. (G) Rectification behavior of a long-range device with 6, 8, and 10 turns in the center of a 70 × 70-cm arena at a height of 3 cm and an input power of 10 W. (H) Power distribution of 10-turn device in a 70 × 70-cm arena with 10 W input power at heights of 3, 6, and 8 cm from the arena floor. (I) Photographic image of devices with red, orange, and blue μ-ILEDs activated in a 70 × 70-cm arena. (J) IV curves for red, orange, and blue μ-ILEDs. (K) Photographic image of devices with red, orange, and blue μ-ILEDs.