Fig. 1.
Examples of CDS n-grams shown inside gray boxes, surrounded by plausible context words that may vary without affecting whether the n-gram marks the expression of a cognitive distortion of the given type (e.g., mindreading, emotional reasoning, or labeling and mislabeling). CDS were designed by a team of CBT experts, linguists, and native language speakers to capture the expression of a particular cognitive distortion type, regardless of its specific lexical context. For English (US), Spanish, and German the team of experts defined respectively 241, 435, and 296 n-grams to mark 12 commonly distinguished types of cognitive distortions. Note that our prevalence measurements count only the CDS n-gram occurrence regardless of context (“everyone thinks,” “still feels,” and “I am a”). A complete list of all CDS n-grams by distortion type is provided in SI Appendix, Tables S1–S3.