Fig. 4.
Comparison of the DLH tree-ring δ18O precipitation reconstruction with other paleoclimatic records spanning the Holocene. (A) Anomaly percentage of the DLH precipitation reconstruction calculated over the period 4680 BCE to 1950 CE (this study). (B) Pollen-based annual precipitation anomaly percentage in Gonghai Lake calculated over the common period 4680 BCE to 1950 CE (24). (C) Normalized stalagmite composite δ18O record from eastern China. The y-axis of the composite δ18O record was reversed for better comparison. Each stalagmite δ18O record was first normalized over the common period 4700 BCE to 1300 CE using the equation (a − bm) / bs, where a is the original value, and bm and bs are the mean and SD of the common period, respectively. See SI Appendix, Table S6 (site no.: 1 to 6) for details about each stalagmite record employed in the calculation. (D) Variation in location of the ITCZ reflected by Cariaco Basin Ti concentrations (26). All horizontal lines represent the long-term average calculated over the common period 4680 BCE to 1950 CE. The long-term precipitation average values are 200 and 511 mm, respectively for panels (A and B). For panels (A–D), all series were first interpolated annually by using a piecewise linear interpolation method, and then each series (thin line) was smoothed by a 100-point low-pass filter (heavy line) to highlight the centennial scale variability.