Fig. 1.
Sagittal T1 Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (A), Axial T2 (B), and Coronal T2 images (C) were taken 4 weeks after the initial presentation: showing a 6cmx5cmx6cm multicystic mass lesion in the left temporal lobe with surrounding oedema. It is compressing the lateral ventricles, causing early hydrocephalus and midline shift to the right. Axial T2 were taken 4 weeks after the initial presentation (D), and 14 days after retreatment with antifungals and steroids (E): The multicystic mass in the left temporal lobe had increased in size (B) with more surrounding oedema, progressing obstructive hydrocephalus (B; red arrows), increased midline shift, effacement of basilar cisterns and compression of the brainstem