Table 1.
PBL design features, PBL strategies/activities, and associated teacher and student supports to CT
PBL design features | PBL key strategies and activities [Supports to CT aspects] |
Focus on learning goals | Develop performance-based learning goals by integrating core ideas with science practices that intersect with CT [CT1] |
Start with diving questions | Use Driving Question Board [CT1, 5] |
Participate in science practices |
Select science practices intersected with CT, constructing and revising models, and develop associate learning activities M1. Characterize problem or phenomenon to model ● Use Driving Question Board [CT1] M2. Define the boundaries of the system ● Develop mechanistic model illustration [CT1] ● Create a computational model using SageModeler focusing on measurable key elements (variables) [CT2] M3. Design and construct model structure ● Create a computational model using SageModeler focusing on relationships among variables [CT2] M4. Test, evaluate, and debug model behavior ● Run simulation [CT3] ● Generate graphs using simulation output [CT4] M5. Use model to explain and predict behavior of phenomenon or design solution to a problem ● Run simulation [CT5] ● Generate graphs using experimental or real-world data [CT4] |
Create a set of tangible products through collaborative activities |
Design collaborative learning activities for students to create products ● Work in pairs; Share and evaluate products; Communicate their products to others [CT3] Student products ● Mechanistic model illustrations [CT1] ● Computational models [CT2] ● Data representations [CT3, 4] ● Written explanations [CT5] |
Scaffold with learning technologies |
Select technology tools to engage students in CT and support collaborative learning ● Driving Question Board [CT1, 5] ● SageModeler modeling tool [CT2, 3, 4] |
CT1 Problem decomposition, CT2 Computational artifacts creation, CT3 Testing and debugging, CT4 Generating, organizing, and interpreting data, CT5 Iterative refinements