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. 2021 Aug 2;25(4):101600. doi: 10.1016/j.bjid.2021.101600

Table 1.

Sociodemographic and daily activities characteristics of study population stratified by age and commorbidity. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2020.

Total 18–59 Years
≥ 60 years

No comorbidity
At least one comorbidity

20,587 11,883 (57.8) 6941 (33.7) 1763 (8.6)
 Cisgender men 8885 (43.2) 4860 (40.9) 3196 (46.0) 829 (47.0)
 Cisgender women 11,605 (56.4) 6985 (58.8) 3691 (53.2) 929 (52.7)
 Transgender/non-binary 97 (0.5) 38 (0.3) 54 (0.8) 5 (0.3)
Rio de Janeiro city 15,981 (77.6) 9221 (77.6) 5391 (77.7) 1441 (81.7)
 Zona Norte 3261 (15.8) 1840 (15.5) 1194 (17.2) 227 (12.9)
 Zona Sul 3018 (14.7) 1757 (14.8) 832 (12.0) 429 (24.3)
 Barra da Tijuca and Jacarepaguá 2719 (13.2) 1597 (13.4) 852 (12.3) 270 (15.3)
 Grande Tijuca 2105 (10.2) 1247 (10.5) 672 (9.7) 186 (10.6)
 Zona Oeste 1747 (8.5) 945 (8) 692 (10) 110 (6.2)
 Grande Meier 1418 (6.9) 801 (6.7) 505 (7.3) 112 (6.4)
 Centro 969 (4.7) 565 (4.8) 340 (4.9) 64 (3.6)
 Ilha do Governador 744 (3.6) 469 (3.9) 232 (3.3) 43 (2.4)
Baixada Fluminense 2490 (12.1) 1442 (12.1) 890 (12.8) 158 (9.0)
Niterói 1206 (5.9) 707 (5.9) 379 (5.5) 120 (6.8)
Leste Fluminense 766 (3.7) 437 (3.7) 296 (4.3) 33 (1.9)
Petropólis 144 (0.7) 76 (0.6) 57 (0.8) 11 (0.6)
 White 12457 (60.5) 7152 (60.2) 4018 (57.9) 1287 (73.0)
 Pardo 5334 (25.9) 3055 (25.7) 1925 (27.7) 354 (20.1)
 Black 2330 (11.3) 1383 (11.6) 850 (12.2) 97 (5.5)
 Indigenous 61 (0.3) 31 (0.3) 24 (0.3) 6 (0.3)
 Asian 80 (0.4) 60 (0.5) 17 (0.2) 3 (0.2)
 Don't know 325 (1.6) 202 (1.7) 107 (1.5) 16 (0.9)
 Elemmentary incompleted 281 (1.4) 75 (0.6) 123 (1.8) 83 (4.7)
 Ellemmentary completed 364 (1.8) 149 (1.3) 135 (1.9) 80 (4.5)
 Secondary incompleted 511 (2.5) 259 (2.2) 191 (2.8) 61 (3.5)
 Secondary completed 2667 (13.0) 1418 (11.9) 977 (14.1) 272 (15.4)
 Superior incompleted 5290 (25.7) 3478 (29.3) 1615 (23.3) 197 (11.2)
 Superior completed 5380 (26.1) 2987 (25.1) 1824 (26.3) 569 (32.3)
 Graduation 6072 (29.5) 3507 (29.5) 2067 (29.8) 498 (28.2)
 Don't know 22 (0.1) 10 (0.1) 9 (0.1) 3 (0.2)
Number of people living at home
 Alone 3112 (15.1) 1632 (13.7) 1023 (14.7) 457 (25.9)
 1 2504 (12.2) 1428 (12.0) 751 (10.8) 325 (18.4)
 2 4239 (20.6) 2494 (21.0) 1363 (19.6) 382 (21.7)
 3 2983 (14.5) 1747 (14.7) 1031 (14.9) 205 (11.6)
 4 2626 (12.8) 1565 (13.2) 929 (13.4) 132 (7.5)
 ≥ 5 5123 (24.9) 3017 (25.4) 1844 (26.6) 262 (14.9)
Visit at home
 Never 3047 (14.8) 1782 (15.0) 1013 (14.6) 252 (14.3)
 Rarely 8558 (41.6) 4892 (41.2) 2964 (42.7) 702 (39.8)
 Monthly 1776 (8.6) 1108 (9.3) 588 (8.5) 80 (4.5)
 Weekly 5747 (27.9) 3335 (28.1) 1878 (27.1) 534 (30.3)
 Daily 1458 (7.1) 765 (6.4) 498 (7.2) 195 (11.1)
Current working
 Yes 13,601 (66.1) 8091 (68.1) 4787 (69.0) 723 (41.0)
 Retired 1263 (6.1) 137 (1.2) 242 (3.5) 884 (50.1)
 Unemployed 5334 (25.9) 3492 (29.4) 1730 (24.9) 112 (6.4)
 Leave 389 (1.9) 163 (1.4) 182 (2.6) 44 (2.5)
Commute to work (N = 13,601)
 No 4769 (35.1) 2781 (34.4) 1685 (35.2) 303 (41.9)
 Once a week 1171 (8.6) 676 (8.4) 417 (8.7) 78 (10.8)
 2 to 4 times a week 3483 (25.6) 2128 (26.3) 1172 (24.5) 183 (25.3)
 5+ times a week 4178 (30.7) 2506 (31.0) 1513 (31.6) 159 (22)
Main means of transportation to work (N = 8792)
 Walking or cycling 791 (9.0) 485 (9.1) 263 (8.5) 43 (10.2)
 Ferry 66 (0.7) 40 (0.8) 22 (0.7) 4 (1)
 Own car 3121 (35.3) 1768 (33.3) 1126 (36.3) 227 (54.0)
 Car ride 291 (3.3) 187 (3.5) 95 (3.1) 9 (2.1)
Bus 2555 (29.1) 1611 (30.3) 892 (28.8) 52 (12.4)
 Taxi or transport through apps 880 (10.0) 513 (9.7) 318 (10.3) 49 (11.7)
 Train or metro 998 (11.3) 624 (11.7) 342 (11.0) 32 (7.6)
 Mototaxi 90 (1.0) 59 (1.1) 29 (0.9) 2 (0.5)
PPE use at work (N = 8,832)
 Yes 7488 (84.8) 4517 (85.1) 2598 (83.8) 373 (88.8)
 No 981 (11.1) 592 (11.1) 358 (11.5) 31 (7.4)
 Don't know 361 (4.1) 201 (3.8) 144 (4.6) 16 (3.8)
Public events with 10+ people
 No 14,263 (69.3) 8245 (69.4) 4623 (66.6) 1395 (79.1)
 Yes 6195 (30.1) 3555 (29.9) 2278 (32.8) 362 (20.5)
 Don't know 128 (0.6) 82 (0.7) 40 (0.6) 6 (0.3)

1: Rio de Janeiro city 33 administrative regions were grouped into: Zona Norte (Ramos, Penha, Inhaúma, Irajá, Madureira, Anchieta, Pavuna, Jacarezinho, Complexo do Alemão, Maré, Vigário Geral), Zona Sul (Botafogo, Copacabana, Lagoa, Rocinha), Barra da Tijuca and Jacarepaguá (Jacarepaguá, Barra da Tijuca, Cidade de Deus), Grande Tijuca (Tijuca, Vila Isabel), Zona Oeste (Bangu, Campo Grande, Santa Cruz, Guaratiba, Realengo), Grande Méier, Centro (Zona Portuária, Centro, Rio Comprido, Santa teresa, São Cristóvão, Ilha de Paquetá), Ilha do Governador. Other municipalities of metropolitan area in: Baixada Fluminense (Duque de Caxias, Guapimirim, Itaguaí, Japeri, Magé, Mesquita, Nilópolis, Nova Iguaçu, Paracambi, Seropédica); Niterói; Leste Fluminense (Cachoeiras de Macacu, Itaboraí, Maricá, Rio Bonito, São Gonçalo, Tanguá); Petropólis. PPE: Personal Protection Equipment.