Table 1.
Total | 18–59 Years |
≥ 60 years | ||
No comorbidity |
At least one comorbidity |
20,587 | 11,883 (57.8) | 6941 (33.7) | 1763 (8.6) | |
Gender | ||||
Cisgender men | 8885 (43.2) | 4860 (40.9) | 3196 (46.0) | 829 (47.0) |
Cisgender women | 11,605 (56.4) | 6985 (58.8) | 3691 (53.2) | 929 (52.7) |
Transgender/non-binary | 97 (0.5) | 38 (0.3) | 54 (0.8) | 5 (0.3) |
Region1 | ||||
Rio de Janeiro city | 15,981 (77.6) | 9221 (77.6) | 5391 (77.7) | 1441 (81.7) |
Zona Norte | 3261 (15.8) | 1840 (15.5) | 1194 (17.2) | 227 (12.9) |
Zona Sul | 3018 (14.7) | 1757 (14.8) | 832 (12.0) | 429 (24.3) |
Barra da Tijuca and Jacarepaguá | 2719 (13.2) | 1597 (13.4) | 852 (12.3) | 270 (15.3) |
Grande Tijuca | 2105 (10.2) | 1247 (10.5) | 672 (9.7) | 186 (10.6) |
Zona Oeste | 1747 (8.5) | 945 (8) | 692 (10) | 110 (6.2) |
Grande Meier | 1418 (6.9) | 801 (6.7) | 505 (7.3) | 112 (6.4) |
Centro | 969 (4.7) | 565 (4.8) | 340 (4.9) | 64 (3.6) |
Ilha do Governador | 744 (3.6) | 469 (3.9) | 232 (3.3) | 43 (2.4) |
Baixada Fluminense | 2490 (12.1) | 1442 (12.1) | 890 (12.8) | 158 (9.0) |
Niterói | 1206 (5.9) | 707 (5.9) | 379 (5.5) | 120 (6.8) |
Leste Fluminense | 766 (3.7) | 437 (3.7) | 296 (4.3) | 33 (1.9) |
Petropólis | 144 (0.7) | 76 (0.6) | 57 (0.8) | 11 (0.6) |
Race | ||||
White | 12457 (60.5) | 7152 (60.2) | 4018 (57.9) | 1287 (73.0) |
Pardo | 5334 (25.9) | 3055 (25.7) | 1925 (27.7) | 354 (20.1) |
Black | 2330 (11.3) | 1383 (11.6) | 850 (12.2) | 97 (5.5) |
Indigenous | 61 (0.3) | 31 (0.3) | 24 (0.3) | 6 (0.3) |
Asian | 80 (0.4) | 60 (0.5) | 17 (0.2) | 3 (0.2) |
Don't know | 325 (1.6) | 202 (1.7) | 107 (1.5) | 16 (0.9) |
Education | ||||
Elemmentary incompleted | 281 (1.4) | 75 (0.6) | 123 (1.8) | 83 (4.7) |
Ellemmentary completed | 364 (1.8) | 149 (1.3) | 135 (1.9) | 80 (4.5) |
Secondary incompleted | 511 (2.5) | 259 (2.2) | 191 (2.8) | 61 (3.5) |
Secondary completed | 2667 (13.0) | 1418 (11.9) | 977 (14.1) | 272 (15.4) |
Superior incompleted | 5290 (25.7) | 3478 (29.3) | 1615 (23.3) | 197 (11.2) |
Superior completed | 5380 (26.1) | 2987 (25.1) | 1824 (26.3) | 569 (32.3) |
Graduation | 6072 (29.5) | 3507 (29.5) | 2067 (29.8) | 498 (28.2) |
Don't know | 22 (0.1) | 10 (0.1) | 9 (0.1) | 3 (0.2) |
Number of people living at home | ||||
Alone | 3112 (15.1) | 1632 (13.7) | 1023 (14.7) | 457 (25.9) |
1 | 2504 (12.2) | 1428 (12.0) | 751 (10.8) | 325 (18.4) |
2 | 4239 (20.6) | 2494 (21.0) | 1363 (19.6) | 382 (21.7) |
3 | 2983 (14.5) | 1747 (14.7) | 1031 (14.9) | 205 (11.6) |
4 | 2626 (12.8) | 1565 (13.2) | 929 (13.4) | 132 (7.5) |
≥ 5 | 5123 (24.9) | 3017 (25.4) | 1844 (26.6) | 262 (14.9) |
Visit at home | ||||
Never | 3047 (14.8) | 1782 (15.0) | 1013 (14.6) | 252 (14.3) |
Rarely | 8558 (41.6) | 4892 (41.2) | 2964 (42.7) | 702 (39.8) |
Monthly | 1776 (8.6) | 1108 (9.3) | 588 (8.5) | 80 (4.5) |
Weekly | 5747 (27.9) | 3335 (28.1) | 1878 (27.1) | 534 (30.3) |
Daily | 1458 (7.1) | 765 (6.4) | 498 (7.2) | 195 (11.1) |
Current working | ||||
Yes | 13,601 (66.1) | 8091 (68.1) | 4787 (69.0) | 723 (41.0) |
Retired | 1263 (6.1) | 137 (1.2) | 242 (3.5) | 884 (50.1) |
Unemployed | 5334 (25.9) | 3492 (29.4) | 1730 (24.9) | 112 (6.4) |
Leave | 389 (1.9) | 163 (1.4) | 182 (2.6) | 44 (2.5) |
Commute to work (N = 13,601) | ||||
No | 4769 (35.1) | 2781 (34.4) | 1685 (35.2) | 303 (41.9) |
Once a week | 1171 (8.6) | 676 (8.4) | 417 (8.7) | 78 (10.8) |
2 to 4 times a week | 3483 (25.6) | 2128 (26.3) | 1172 (24.5) | 183 (25.3) |
5+ times a week | 4178 (30.7) | 2506 (31.0) | 1513 (31.6) | 159 (22) |
Main means of transportation to work (N = 8792) | ||||
Walking or cycling | 791 (9.0) | 485 (9.1) | 263 (8.5) | 43 (10.2) |
Ferry | 66 (0.7) | 40 (0.8) | 22 (0.7) | 4 (1) |
Own car | 3121 (35.3) | 1768 (33.3) | 1126 (36.3) | 227 (54.0) |
Car ride | 291 (3.3) | 187 (3.5) | 95 (3.1) | 9 (2.1) |
Bus | 2555 (29.1) | 1611 (30.3) | 892 (28.8) | 52 (12.4) |
Taxi or transport through apps | 880 (10.0) | 513 (9.7) | 318 (10.3) | 49 (11.7) |
Train or metro | 998 (11.3) | 624 (11.7) | 342 (11.0) | 32 (7.6) |
Mototaxi | 90 (1.0) | 59 (1.1) | 29 (0.9) | 2 (0.5) |
PPE use at work (N = 8,832) | ||||
Yes | 7488 (84.8) | 4517 (85.1) | 2598 (83.8) | 373 (88.8) |
No | 981 (11.1) | 592 (11.1) | 358 (11.5) | 31 (7.4) |
Don't know | 361 (4.1) | 201 (3.8) | 144 (4.6) | 16 (3.8) |
Public events with 10+ people | ||||
No | 14,263 (69.3) | 8245 (69.4) | 4623 (66.6) | 1395 (79.1) |
Yes | 6195 (30.1) | 3555 (29.9) | 2278 (32.8) | 362 (20.5) |
Don't know | 128 (0.6) | 82 (0.7) | 40 (0.6) | 6 (0.3) |
1: Rio de Janeiro city 33 administrative regions were grouped into: Zona Norte (Ramos, Penha, Inhaúma, Irajá, Madureira, Anchieta, Pavuna, Jacarezinho, Complexo do Alemão, Maré, Vigário Geral), Zona Sul (Botafogo, Copacabana, Lagoa, Rocinha), Barra da Tijuca and Jacarepaguá (Jacarepaguá, Barra da Tijuca, Cidade de Deus), Grande Tijuca (Tijuca, Vila Isabel), Zona Oeste (Bangu, Campo Grande, Santa Cruz, Guaratiba, Realengo), Grande Méier, Centro (Zona Portuária, Centro, Rio Comprido, Santa teresa, São Cristóvão, Ilha de Paquetá), Ilha do Governador. Other municipalities of metropolitan area in: Baixada Fluminense (Duque de Caxias, Guapimirim, Itaguaí, Japeri, Magé, Mesquita, Nilópolis, Nova Iguaçu, Paracambi, Seropédica); Niterói; Leste Fluminense (Cachoeiras de Macacu, Itaboraí, Maricá, Rio Bonito, São Gonçalo, Tanguá); Petropólis. PPE: Personal Protection Equipment.