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. 2021 May 8;114(2):441–449. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqab061


Characteristics of the total sample of CRC survivors (n = 1404) and stratified by quartiles of the overall PDI

PDI quartiles
Participant characteristics Total sample Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 P 1
Total number of individuals, n (%) 1404 (100) 331 (24) 332 (24) 406 (29) 335 (24)
Number of deaths during follow-up, n (%) 204 (15) 59 (29) 50 (25) 65 (32) 30 (15) 0.01
Plant-based diet indices, score
 PDI 54 (50–58) 47 (44–48) 51 (51–52) 56 (54–57) 61 (60–63)
 hPDI 54 (49–59) 50 (47–55) 52 (48–57) 56 (50–60) 58 (54–63) <0.0001
 uPDI 54 (49–59) 56 (51–61) 55 (51–60) 54 (48–58) 52 (48–57) <0.0001
Sex, n (%)
 Male 788 (56) 181 (55) 183 (55) 236 (58) 188 (56)
 Female 616 (44) 150 (45) 149 (45) 170 (42) 147 (44) 0.78
Age at diagnosis, y 62 (57–66) 62 (57–67) 63 (58–67) 61 (56–66) 61 (56–65) 0.004
Age at diet assessment, y 69 (64–73) 70 (65–75) 69 (65–74) 68 (63–73) 69 (64–73) 0.03
BMI, kg/m² 26.2 (23.9–29.3) 26.5 (23.9–29.8) 26.4 (23.9–29.4) 26.3 (24.1–29.2) 25.8 (23.5–28.3) 0.08
BMI categories, n (%)
 <20 kg/m² 47 (3) 10 (3) 10 (3) 9 (2) 18 (5)
 20 to <25 kg/m² 489 (35) 112 (34) 114 (34) 144 (36) 119 (36)
 25 to <30 kg/m² 608 (43) 134 (40) 144 (44) 184 (45) 146 (44)
 ≥30 kg/m² 260 (19) 75 (23) 64 (19) 69 (17) 52 (15) 0.19
Smoking status, n (%)
 Never 565 (40) 130 (39) 134 (40) 159 (39) 142 (42)
 Former 692 (49) 160 (48) 163 (49) 207 (51) 162 (48
 Current 126 (9) 35 (11) 28 (8) 37 (9) 26 (8)
 Unknown 21 (2) 6 (2) 7 (2) 3 (1) 5 (1) 0.82
Physical activity, METs/wk 95 (63–132) 80 (51–117) 95 (65–130) 94 (61–131) 110 (73–150) <0.0001
Alcohol (ethanol) intake, g/day 7.0 (1.9–19.6) 6.3 (1.8–20.8) 7.4 (1.8–19.2) 6.7 (2.0–20.4) 6.7 (1.9–17.7) 0.94
Energy intake, kcal/d 2183 (1782–2605) 1847 (1590–2234) 2143 (1697–2539) 2253 (1853–2696) 2379 (2072–2952) <0.0001
Time between CRC diagnosis and diet assessment, y 6 (5–8) 6 (5–8) 6 (5–8) 7 (5–8) 6 (5–8) 0.16
Tumor location, n (%)
 Colon 666 (47) 146 (44) 151 (45) 200 (49) 169 (50)
 Rectum 594 (42) 150 (45) 143 (43) 169 (42) 132 (39)
 Both 63 (5) 11 (3) 17 (5) 22 (5) 13 (4)
 Unknown 81 (6) 24 (7) 21 (6) 15 (4) 21 (6) 0.32
Metastases, n (%)
 Yes 238 (17) 60 (18) 54 (16) 67 (17) 57 (17)
 No 928 (66) 216 (65) 216 (65) 168 (66) 228 (68)
 Unknown 238 (17) 55 (17) 62 (19) 71 (17) 50 (15) 0.90
Other cancer, n (%)
 Yes 297 (21) 71 (21) 64 (19) 89 (22) 73 (22)
 No 1077 (77) 256 (77) 264 (80) 305 (75) 252 (75)
 Unknown 30 (2) 4 (1) 4 (1) 12 (3) 10 (3) 0.38
Therapy, n (%)
 None 734 (52) 164 (50) 177 (53) 215 (53) 178 (53)
 Chemotherapy 313 (22) 74 (22) 68 (20) 94 (23) 77 (23)
 Radiation 45 (3) 16 (5) 9 (3) 13 (3) 7 (2)
 Chemotherapy and radiation 289 (21) 73 (22) 71 (21) 80 (20) 65 (19)
 Unknown 23 (2) 4 (1) 7 (2) 4 (1) 8 (2) 0.66

Values are n (%) or median (IQR).


Based on chi-squared test for categorical variables and Kruskal-Wallis test for continuous variables.

Abbreviations: CRC, colorectal cancer; hPDI, healthful plant-based diet index; MET, metabolic equivalent of task; PDI, plant-based diet index; Q, quartile; uPDI, unhealthful plant-based diet index.