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. 2021 Jul 13;17(11):2957–2969. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.61476

Table 1.

Molecular docking for ACE2 protecting peptides

Peptide sequences Docking protein dG_cross dSASA_int sc_value I_sc
AYp28 KKKKKKVEGFNCYFPLQS ACE2 -34.4496 1531.23655 0.56795 -33.70445
AYp26 KKKKKKYKYRYLRHGKLR ACE2 -32.54045 1507.7399 0.5771 -31.19635
AYp7 DDDDDDYLYRLF ACE2 -32.4877 1193.2851 0.65285 -31.74535
AYp5 KKKKKKYLYRLF ACE2 -32.40755 1338.0122 0.607 -30.8578
AYp27 VEGFNCYFPLQS ACE2 -31.5179 1121.02775 0.65705 -32.3374
AYp24 KKKKKKYLYRLFRKSNLK ACE2 -31.07315 1419.467 0.6084 -29.8306
AYp8 KKKKKKYKYRLF ACE2 -29.72035 1286.8167 0.61665 -28.97565
AYp19 DDDDDDYKYRYL ACE2 -29.18715 1194.00725 0.59665 -29.30365
AYp21 RRRRRRYKYRYL ACE2 -28.97495 1373.1271 0.59535 -29.22065
AYp10 KKKKKKRLFRKS ACE2 -28.70975 1287.17935 0.61905 -28.1619
AYp18 KKKRRRYKYRYL ACE2 -28.53455 1343.1097 0.60045 -28.51735
AYp22 HHHYKYRYL ACE2 -27.98075 1258.0382 0.66075 -28.19665
AYp4 KKKYLYRLF ACE2 -27.1139 1002.9328 0.67 -26.63285
AYp17 KKKKKKYKYRYL ACE2 -26.4989 1268.80585 0.59355 -26.3129
AYp20 RRRYKYRYL ACE2 -25.6448 1012.5298 0.65965 -25.30435
AYp25 YKYRYLRHGKLR ACE2 -25.5586 1121.8961 0.65115 -25.36815
AYp16 KKKYKYRYL ACE2 -25.5087 1046.48955 0.64195 -25.20135
AYp23 YLYRLFRKSNLK ACE2 -24.96605 1137.3647 0.633 -25.1026
AYp3 YLYRLF ACE2 -21.6518 760.0564 0.7118 -21.45285
AYp15 YKYRYL ACE2 -20.5782 749.1877 0.71115 -20.7058
AYp9 RLFRKS ACE2 -17.67025 535.34135 0.70165 -16.7909

Solvent-accessible surface area buried at the interface in square angstroms (dSASA_int);

Binding energy of the interface calculated with cross-interface energy terms (dG_cross);

Interface score (I_sc, sum over energy contributed by interface residues of both parteners);

Shape complementarity score (sc_value, range 0~1)