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. 2021 Jul 19;15:698007. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.698007


Linear mixed model for the three gyri of the frontal lobes of 41 subjects using the Hammers Atlas (ml/100 g/min).

Inferior frontal gyrus Value Standard error 2.5% 97.5%
(Intercept) 52.81 4.68 43.54 62.08
Trigonocephaly patient 8.13 5.34 –2.71 18.97
RegASLrigid 9.33 0.90 7.55 11.12
RegASLaffine 17.11 0.90 15.32 18.89
RegASLdct 17.45 0.90 15.67 19.24
Middle frontal gyrus
(Intercept) 50.15 5.07 40.09 60.21
Trigonocephaly patient 1.93 5.78 –9.82 13.67
RegASLrigid 10.59 1.05 8.51 12.68
RegASLaffine 18.94 1.05 16.86 21.02
RegASLdct 18.49 1.05 16.40 20.57
Superior frontal gyrus
(Intercept) 45.75 4.63 36.58 54.93
Trigonocephaly patient 9.39 5.27 –1.32 20.09
RegASLrigid 14.28 1.00 12.29 16.26
RegASLaffine 18.99 1.00 17.01 20.98
RegASLdct 18.88 1.00 16.90 20.87