Akaike information criteria (AIC) for the different models implemented.a
Trait | PBLUP | GBLUP one-component | GBLUP two-component | |||||||
54K | 54K + YSS | 54K + DFS | 54K + YSS + DFS | 54K* + YSS + DFS + LET | 54K + YSS | 54K + DFS | 54K + YSS + DFS | 54K* + YSS + DFS + LET | ||
YSS Index | −26.99 | −45.18 | −45.17 | −45.16 | −45.16 | −45.13 | −45.12 | −45.14 | −45.12 | −45.10 |
BP1 | −27.65 | −39.86 | −39.85 | −39.84 | −39.84 | −39.82 | −39.81 | −39.82 | −39.81 | −39.79 |
BP2 | −22.16 | −44.98 | −44.97 | −44.96 | −44.96 | −44.93 | −44.94 | −44.95 | −44.94 | −44.91 |
HP1 | −26.26 | −40.75 | −40.74 | −40.73 | −40.72 | −40.70 | −40.70 | −40.70 | −40.69 | −40.67 |
HP2 | −24.00 | −44.96 | −44.95 | −44.94 | −44.94 | −44.91 | −44.92 | −44.93 | −44.92 | −44.89 |
54K + YSS = Conventional 54K SNPs plus SNPs from GWAS on young stock survival (YSS_SNPs).
54K + DFS = Conventional 54K SNPs plus SNPs from GWAS on all traits in Nordic total merit index (DFS_SNPs).
54K + YSS + DFS = Conventional 54K SNPs plus YSS_SNPs and DFS_SNPs.
54K* + YSS + DFS + LET = Reduced 54K (minus SNPs in recessive lethal haplotypes), plus YSS_SNPs (YSS) and DFS_SNPs and the model considered random regression on genotype code of SNPs in recessive lethal haplotypes (LET_SNPs).
BP1, Bull period 1; BP2, Bull period 2; GBLUP, genomic best linear unbiased prediction; GWAS, genome-wide association study; HP1, Heifer period 1; HP2, Heifer period 2; PBLUP, pedigree-based best linear unbiased prediction; SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism; YSS, young stock survival.