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. 2021 Jul 31;14:17562864211035543. doi: 10.1177/17562864211035543

Table 1.

Clinical findings, laboratory and MRI data. a .

Patient ID/sex 1/m 2/m 3/m 4/f 5/f 6/m 7/m
Decade at onset 5th 6th 6th 5th 7th 6th 4th
Previous history of sarcoidosis No Yes: hepatic No Yes: pulmonary, lymphadenopathy, Bell’s palsy, axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy Yes: pulmonary, hepatic, (supposedly) renal Yes: pulmonary No
Interval of PML-associated symptoms and diagnosis ~ 2 months ~ 2 months ~ 1 month ~ 1 month ~ 2 months ~ 1 month ~ 6 weeks
Interval of diagnosis to death (if applicable) Alive 24 months 3 months ~ 4 months Alive Alive Alive
Clinical information
 Motor examination Brachiofacially accentuated right-sided hemiparesis Left-sided hemiplegia Right-sided hemiplegia, initially brachiofacially accentuated Moderate tetraparesis accentuated on the right side Initially brachially accentuated left-sided hemiparesis, developed hemiplegia and right-sided high-grade paresis in the course Alien limb right arm Right-sided hemiparesis
 Deep tendon reflexes Increased on the right Increased on the left Increased on the right Increased, right > left Increased on the left Normal Increased on the right
 Pyramidal signs None Left positive Babinski’s sign Right positive Babinski’s sign Positive Babinski’s sign on both sides None None None
 Sensory deficit According to paresis None Not assessable due to clinical condition None None None According to paresis
 Visual field Hemianopia to the right (initial symptom) Hemianopia to the left (initial symptom) Not assessable due to clinical condition Normal Cortical blindness Normal Normal
 Coordination Pronounced ataxia in the right arm Bradydysdiadochokinesia Not assessable due to clinical condition Pronounced ataxia in the right arm, bradydysdiadochokinesia Dysmetria in the right arm Impaired fine motor skills Not assessable due to paresis on the right
 Disorientation Fluctuating Developed in the course of disease Severe Developed in the course of disease Moderate cognitive deficits developed in the course of disease Moderate in the course of disease None
 Aphasia Mild expressive aphasia None Severe global aphasia Severe global aphasia None None Moderate primarily expressive aphasia
 Dysarthria None Developed in the course of disease Anarthria Developed in the course of disease Developed in the course of disease Developed in the course of disease Developed in the course of disease
 Dysphagia None Developed in the course of disease Severe Developed in the course of disease Developed in the course of disease Developed in the course of disease None
 Severe aspiration None Possible Severe Severe Possible None None
Lung function
 Vital capacity [5.04 l] 4.01 n.d. 2.18 n.d. n.d. 3.17 n.d.
MRI scan
 Initial scan: interval from onset 2 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 5 days 7 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks
 Initial scan: findings T2-hyperintense, confluent, subcortical lesion in the left occipital lobe, no Gd enhancement T2-hyperintense, confluent, subcortical lesion in the right parietooccipital region, no Gd enhancement T2-hyperintense, confluent, subcortical lesions in the left frontal and both parietal lobes, no Gd enhancement 10 new supra- and infratentorial T2-hyperintense lesions in both parietal lobes, temporo-occipital left lobe, and frontal right lobe, cortical and subcortical, four of them confluent, affection of subcortical U-fibres T2-hyperintense confluent cortical and subcortical lesion in the right parietooccipital and temporooccipital region T2-hyperintense cortical lesion in the left parietal region with additional T2 shine-through effect, affection of U-fibres in the left precentral region T2-hyperintense confluent cortical and subcortical lesions in the left parietal, frontal, and parietooccipital region with surrounding oedema
 Most recent scan: interval from treatment initiation 54 months 2 months 2 months 1 week 16 months 51 months 8 months
 Most recent scan: findings Subcortical sclerosis and asymmetric atrophy in the left occipital lobe, e vacuo extension of the left lateral ventricle Progressive, bilateral, confluent T2-hyperintense lesions including basal ganglia, punctate Gd enhancement in the left parietal region Progressive, bilateral, confluent T2-hyperintense lesions involving both hemispheres, diffuse punctate Gd enhancement in the left hemisphere Progressive, bilateral confluent T2-hyperintense lesions involving both hemispheres, affection of U-fibres, Gd+, progression of cerebellar lesions and lesions in medulla oblongata Progressive, bilateral and right dominated, confluent T2-hyperintense lesions including right external capsule, thalamus, and pyramidal track, affection of U-fibres, atrophy of the right hemisphere, progressive e-vacuo atrophy of the right lateral ventricle Confluent, cortical T2-hyperintense lesions in the left hemisphere including thalamus, pons, left pedunculus cerebelli, and pontomesencephal; atrophy in the left hemisphere with e-vacuo extension of the left lateral ventricle Enlargement of the multifocal, confluent left frontal and parietal lobe lesions
 IRIS No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
CSF (baseline)
 Oligoclonal bands Negative Negative n.d. Positive Positive Negative Negative,
 Protein [0.13–0.4 g/l]] 0.46 1.06 0.35 0.62 0.80 0.78 0.37
 Cell count [<4/µl] 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
 JC virus count/PCR [0 c/ml] 25787 51 2610 21 8 90 4980
 ASI [<1.5] n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.63 0.45 3.31 n.d.
CSF (after 3 months)
 Oligoclonal bands Positive n.d. n.d. Positive Positive Negative Positive
 Protein [0.13–0.4 g/l]] 0.58 n.d. n.d. 0.70 0.70 0.55 0.42
 Cell count [<4/µl] 4 n.d. n.d. 1 1 1 1
 JC virus count/PCR [0 c/ml] 555 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0 0 220
 ASI [<1.5] 13.9 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.45 n.d. n.d.
Further laboratory findings (baseline)
 Overall leucocytes [4200–9100/µl] 5200 3400 8200 6500 4300 5,100 6,800
 Lymphocytes absolute [4200–9100/µl] 530 1110 990 1150 630 270 1,000
 Lymphocytes relative [22–53%] 10.2 32.5 12.1 16.2 14.4 5.3 16.1
 Total T-cell count [1100–1700/µl] 139 1014 983 476 83 450
 CD4+ T-cell count [645–1289/µl] 106 464 404 382 70.9 132
 CD8+ T-cell count [263–739/µl] 29 331 282 95 42.6 271
 EBV (serology) n.d. n.d. Positive (IgG) n.d. Negative Negative Negative
 Quantiferon test Negative n.d. Negative n.d. n.d. n.d. Negative
 ACE [8.28 mU/ml] 24.3 n.d. n.d. 19.4 72.5 21.5 13.7
 sIL2-receptor [223–710 U/ml]] 664 55.6 820 429 3891 458 824
 ASAT [<50U/l] 67 33 45 17 42 24 33
 ALAT [<50U/l] 102 24 42 17 52 30 30
 γ-GT [<60U/l] 215 245 133 21 244 34 25
Therapeutic regimes
 Therapy of sarcoidosis before PML None None None Azathioprine for 2 months, mycophenolate mofetil, infliximab for 3 months, fumaric acid for 3 months None Azathioprine 150 mg per day for 2 years None
 Therapy of sarcoidosis after diagnosis of PML Prednisolone 50 mg 1-0-0 for four weeks, then monthly reduction of 10 mg, containing dosage: 5 mg 1-0-0 Prednisolone 5 mg 1-0-0 for 5 months, stop due to PML progression with immunosuppression Prednisolone 500 mg 1-0-0 for 3 days, then prednisolone 100 mg 1-0-0 for 7 days, then prednisolone 50 mg 1-0-0 with originally planned monthly reduction of 10 mg, stop due to PML progression with immunosuppression None Initially none, Prednisolone 5 mg 1-0-0, 50 mg 1-0-0, slow reduction; containing dosage: 5 mg 1-0-0 None Prednisolone 40 mg 1-0-0
 Medication due to PML Mirtazapine 45 mg 0-0-1, mefloquine 250 mg 1/week Mirtazapine 60 mg 0-0-1, mefloquine 250 mg 1/week Mirtazapine 30 mg 0-0-1, mefloquine 750 mg 1-0-0, then mefloquine 250 mg 1/week Cidofovir 5 mg/kg bw (250 mg) twice in an interval of 7 days Mirtazapine 60 mg 0-0-1, mefloquine 250 mg 1/week, cidofovir 5 mg/kg bw for 3 months Mirtazapine 60 mg 0-0-1, mefloquine 250 mg 1/week,
cidofovir 5 mg/kg bw, 13 times, vaccination JCV, IL 2 once 500.000 U/m2 BSA, then for 79 days 1.000.000 U/m2 BSA
Mirtazapine 60 mg 0-0-1 for 5 months,
mefloquine 250 mg 1/week (total 4 times),
cidofovir 5 mg/kg bw, 15 times for 5 months
Pneumocystis jirovecii prophylaxis Cotrimoxazole Cotrimoxazole
 Outcome Incomplete recovery Disease progression, death Disease progression, death Disease progression, death Incomplete recovery Severe disease progression Incomplete recovery
 Residual symptoms Latent brachial paresis, mild right-sided spasticity with brisk tendon reflexes, ataxia and intentional tremor in the right arm, hemianopia Tetraparesis with left-sided hemiplegia and mild right-sided paresis, hemihypesthesia, brisk tendon reflexes, improvement of dysphagia Tetraparesis with high grade brachiofacially accentuated right-sided and mild left-sided hemiparesis paresis, positive Babinski’s sign Mild right-sided spastic hemiparesis, fully ambulatory, normal speech

If required, the reference values are given in square brackets with the corresponding units. Medications are listed by the drug names and not by the trade names. Based on the availability of information, dosages are not always specified in detail.

γ-GT, gamma-glutamyltransferase; ALAT, alanine aminotransferase; ASAT, aspartate aminotransferase; ASI, antibody-specific index; BSA, body surface area; bw, body weight; c/ml, copies per millilitre; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; Gd, gadolinium; IL2, interleukin 2; IRIS, immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome; JCV, JC virus; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; n.d., not determined; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PML, progressive multifocal leukencephalopathy; sIL-2, soluble interleukine-2 receptor; U, unit(s).