(A) Immunostaining of endogenous PI(4)P in WT and SACM1L KO cells. Hoechst dye shows nuclei. Scale bars represent 20 μm.
(B) Relative PI(4)P staining intensity in uninfected or Salmonella-infected WT and SACM1L KO cells at indicated times post-infection.
(C) Representative confocal images of PI(4)P staining on endogenous LC3+ or LAMP1+
Salmonella in WT and SACM1L KO cells at 2 h post-infection. Insets are boxed regions magnified (2.8×). Hoechst dye shows nuclei and Salmonella. Scale bars represent 10 μm in full images and 5 μm in insets.
(D and E) Percentage of LC3+ (D) or LAMP1+ (E) Salmonella also positive for PI(4)P at indicated times post-infection. For quantification, over 2,000 bacteria were analyzed.
(F and G) Representative confocal images (F) and quantification (G) of co-localization of BFP-2xP4M and GFP-LC3+
Salmonella in WT and SACM1L KO cells. Insets are boxed regions magnified (2.5×). Scale bars represent 10 μm in full images and 5 μm in insets. Data were collected every 15 min for 6 h. For quantification, over 1,000 bacteria were analyzed.
(H) Fold change of luciferase-expressing Salmonella replication in WT and SACM1L KO cells transfected with control or PI4K2ɑ siRNA for 48 h prior to infection. Luciferase levels were measured over time. Bacterial replication was normalized to baseline infection.
(I) Percentage of LC3+
Salmonella associated with PI(4)P in WT and SACM1L KO cells transfected with control or PI4K2ɑ siRNA 48 h prior to infection.
(J and K) Percentage of Salmonella associated with LC3 (J) and ubiquitin (K) in WT and SACM1L KO cells pretreated with DMSO or PI4K2ɑ-specific inhibitor PI-273 (500 nM) for 1 h before infection, then fixed, and stained 2 h after infection. Unless indicated otherwise, over 500 cells were analyzed for quantification. Three independent experiments were analyzed using ANOVA (mean ± SEM). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; NS, not significant.
See also Figure S5 and Table S2.