Table 6.
Estimated Coefficients in Logistic Regression for Any Preventive Dental Care in Year 1, Dentate Individuals 50 Years and Older: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2008–2013
Explanatory Variable | Logistic Regression Coefficient (Standard Error) |
Length of Time Since Last Routine Medical Checkup | |
Within Past Year [Ref.] | 0.00 |
Within Past 2 or 3 Years | −0.007 (0.063) |
Never or Within Past 5 Years or More | −0.295** (0.074) |
Length of Time Since Last Flu Vaccination | |
Within Past Year [Ref.] | 0.00 |
Within Past 2 or 3 Years | −0.266** (0.078) |
Never or Within Past 5 Years or More | −0.357** (0.051) |
Take Aspirin Every Day or Every Other Day | |
Yes [ref.] | 0.00 |
No | −0.015 (0.040) |
Ever Have a Colonoscopy | |
Yes [Ref.] | 0.00 |
No | −0.641** (0.048) |
Exercise Moderately or Vigorously 5 Times Per Week | |
Yes [Ref.] | 0.00 |
No | −0.3248** (0.039) |
Body Mass Index (BMI) | |
Normal (18.5<= BMI <25) [Ref.] | 0.00 |
Obese (BMI >30) | −0.408** (0.052) |
Overweight (25<= BMI <=30) | −0.128** (0.047) |
Underweight (BMI <18.5) | −0.221 (0.175) |
Always Wears a Seat Belt | |
Yes [Ref.] | 0.00 |
No | −0.055 (0.071) |
Currently Smokes | |
Yes | −0.709** (0.065) |
No [Ref.] | 0.00 |
Can Overcome Ills Without Medical Help | |
Disagree Somewhat or Strongly [Ref.] | 0.00 |
Uncertain | −0.164* (0.066) |
Agree Somewhat or Strongly | 0.065 (0.061) |
Has Usual Source of Medical care Provider | |
Yes [Ref.] | 0.00 |
No | −0.557** (0.071) |
Note. The sample size for the logistic regression is 18,201 dentate persons 50 years and older with positive–valued weights in both years they were in the MEPS, 7,541 of whom had any preventive dental care in the first year they were in the survey. Explanatory variables are also measured as of the first year the person was in the survey. Preventive dental care is defined as having at least one visit during the first year the person was in the MEPS involving an examination, cleaning, x-ray, fluoride treatment, or sealant application. Estimates were made with weighted sample data.
Indicates statistical significance at the 1% level.
Indicates statistical significance at the 5% level.