Increasing the microtubule growth rate by increasing tubulin concentration correlates with larger EB1 comet lengths and suppression of microtubule catastrophe.
(A) Top: Schematic of TIRF assay. Dynamic microtubule extensions were polymerized from GMPCPP-stabilized seeds using unlabeled tubulin in the presence of EB1-GFP. Bottom: Representative kymographs of microtubule plus ends grown with either 12 or 40 µM tubulin and 200 nM EB1-GFP. (B) Microtubule catastrophe frequency as a function of microtubule growth rate. Each point is the mean growth rate and catastrophe frequency for a single experimental condition. Error bars, SEM and SE, respectively. (C) EB1 comet length as a function of microtubule growth rate. Dim points are growth rates and comet lengths for individual 30-s growth segments. Error bars, 95% CI. Bold points are weighted means for each experimental condition, with error bars being the weighted error. (D) Catastrophe frequency (displayed in B) replotted as a function of mean EB1 comet length (displayed in C) for each experimental condition. For all panels, 20 microtubule kymographs were analyzed for each experimental condition. All experiments were performed on the same day.