Fig. 4.
Annotation of SETMAR-HA binding sites in the human genome. (A) Association of ChIP peaks with genic (exon, intron, TSS, TTS) and intergenic regions. TSS: transcription start site. TTS: transcription termination site. Left and right panels: observed and expected (computer randomized) distributions, respectively. Number of peaks: 764. (B) Detailed annotation of ChIP peaks over 11 functional genomic categories. n: number of elements in categories. Cells contain observed / expected ratios for peak counts. Warmer colours represent higher enrichment. Statistically significant enrichment is observed at TSS (p-value = 0.03), MADE1 (p-value < 2.2 × 10-16) and ITR regions (p-value < 2.2 × 10-16; prop. z test; level of significance: 0.05).